2nd Amendment

I don't think that it is a mistake that this doesn't read 'keep and bear ANY Arms'. The example of the above video showing a very good reason as to why it is important to have regulations on weapon for mass murder.
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Also lol at 'believe in the second amendment'. I doubt you will find anyone that will question it's existence (and not just be trolling you).
Do you believe in the entire second amendment or just the parts that are cherry picked for you by the NRA?
Can you please point out to me the part of the 2nd amendment that states that there can be no hoops to jump through to 'bear arms'? Im sure that the troll is not just whatabouting right?

lol nm, have a good night guys, this sock should be good for a couple morning chuckles as I drink my coffee.
You must think there are no background checks and it's easy to get firearms.
Focus. Just take a deep breath, calm yourself and focus.

There is no mention of background checks in the 2A. It reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Do you believe the whole amendment or just the parts the NRA fed to you?
Focus. Just take a deep breath, calm yourself and focus.

There is no mention of background checks in the 2A. It reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Do you believe the whole amendment or just the parts the NRA fed to you?
Do you believe in "shall not be infringed"
So if I go buy a custom made gun, and they don't immediately hand it over to me, I can cry 'infringing much rights'?

lol at the privilege that someone must have been brainwashed into believing, if they feel they have to be able to demand any gun instantly and for any reason or else they are being 'infringed'.
So if I go buy a custom made gun, and they don't immediately hand it over to me, I can cry 'infringing much rights'?

lol at the privilege that someone must have been brainwashed into believing, if they feel they have to be able to demand any gun instantly and for any reason or else they are being 'infringed'.
I'm boggled at his admission that he just picks and chooses which parts of the Constitution he wants to believe. I always knew that is what the reactionary right Tea Partiers were doing but they usually aren't stupid enough to come out and say it.