2nd Amendment

So if I go buy a custom made gun, and they don't immediately hand it over to me, I can cry 'infringing much rights'?

lol at the privilege that someone must have been brainwashed into believing, if they feel they have to be able to demand any gun instantly and for any reason or else they are being 'infringed'.
If you buy a custom gun, that suggests a lot of specialist knowledge.
Oh, you pick and choose which parts of the constitution you wish to follow.

That is not democracy. That is autocracy. Go start your own country if you want that. We rejected autocracy in 1776
All these replies are great. It shows how ones person's opinion about firearms can make the worst come out of people.
I can't help it that you guys have to gang up on me and I don't know why you hate firearms and the people who want them legally.
The only mention of hate in this thread comes from you.

Regarding your question. I'm all for your right to bear arms should not be infringed. I'm also all for part in the 2A where it says the "militia", or as you say, "the people", must be well regulated. As in: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

We aren't doing the "well regulate" of firearms as described in the 2A. Not surprising that we got this on Jan 6


The flag of traitors and slave owners flew in the Capitol building for the first time ever.

If the right to bear arms in a well regulated militia were actually being observed, That would never have happened.
Is this what you do all day.
How would you know, I haven't seen you here before.

Find post you hate and shit all over those people.
lol at 'those people'. And I disagree about my 'hate and shit all over' people.

I believe that you just want to cry about being trolled and are just talking shit to fit your narrative.

Please get a life.
Does this kind of statement make you feel superior? Is it because you need some validation after just playing the role of right wing cuck for the last couple hours here?

I am perfectly happy with my life though thank you for your genuine concern.

How are you doing? Is everything ok at home?
How would you know, I haven't seen you here before.

lol at 'those people'. And I disagree about my 'hate and shit all over' people.

I believe that you just want to cry about being trolled and are just talking shit to fit your narrative.

Does this kind of statement make you feel superior? Is it because you need some validation after just playing the role of right wing cuck for the last couple hours here?

I am perfectly happy with my life though thank you for your genuine concern though.

How are you doing? Is everything ok at home?
The OP is complaining about people responding honestly to their topic? Wtf is happening here?
How would you know, I haven't seen you here before.

lol at 'those people'. And I disagree about my 'hate and shit all over' people.

I believe that you just want to cry about being trolled and are just talking shit to fit your narrative.

Does this kind of statement make you feel superior? Is it because you need some validation after just playing the role of right wing cuck for the last couple hours here?

I am perfectly happy with my life though thank you for your genuine concern.

How are you doing? Is everything ok at home?
If your mother had spit instead of swallowed, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
All I can say is I hope your not in a situation where you need a firearm.
All I can say is I hope your not in a situation where you need a firearm.
Now, calm down and take in some deep breaths.

You are projecting your own fears onto another person.

How long have you been bothered by an unreasonable fear that your life is in danger from firearms?