A 250 can definitely handle that, I've done it. The thing is you have got to keep it low, so look into training methods like LST, topping/fimming, or super cropping. I think Happy Frog is a good starter but I think Ocean Forest is better as a whole. That's the first trio, eventually you're going to want to invest in the second additive/solulable trio too. I cringe at the jump in the electricity bill personally, but I run two tents and a lot of gear. Yield is dependent on a lot of stuff, but a general rule of thumb is .5 gram per watt for a decent grow and 1 gram per watt for a good one. That is general, there are plenty of people who have pulled over that, or under that. Yield is just one of those things that is hard to predict, because you have sooooo many factors.
Like CBT said if you run into trouble you can ask here, there are lots of helpful members. Also like Blax said don't worry about it too much, just read up, learn and take things as they come. A lot about growing is based on personal experiences.
Oh yeah and welcome to the club lol.
Lol I know those bastards

!! I miss it too but at the same point, at least RIU is back.
Like it all you three !! Man I miss being click happy with those likes lol.
So.... A Standard Philips 250w HPS is a special order light that you can't buy from an electrical outlet? You're kidding right? You can buy a standard 250 HPS at a shop like home depot, where I'm from. Maybe Canada is different, but not everyone lives in Canada. It kind of does have to do with the 2.0 or 1.8 BS, considering there are "So many ways" two 150's are better. I'm sure your other reasons include a better spread, more watts, more control of your light placement or any other general pluses that come with having two lights regardless of wattage.
Anyway everything else aside different tokes, for different folks is what I say
