22 million americans have lost health care under trump

Mocking someone for being able to read and comprehend what they are reading compared to spelling are two very different things.
You voted for Trump. Comprehension isn't your strong suit.

Gotta love auto correct after an ios update. Anyway when grammar and spelling mistakes become part of the argument it is a sure sign you are losing and have nothing worth adding to the discussion.

dull creepy asshole, grammar and spelling are the least of your inadequacies

Mocking someone for being able to read and comprehend what they are reading compared to spelling are two very different things.
"Suite" wasnt a spelling area, critter. Admit you are ignorant about the homonymn. Fear not, youre obviously a gullible, ignorant rube, no one could think any less of you.

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If you were in the same line at the grocery store as a nazi would you also be a nazi? People were protesting the removal of a confederate statue, some of them were nazis and some of them weren’t.

are you trying to compare marching with nazis to buying groceries?