Well-Known Member
Waste of time trying to reason with fools that happily vote against their own interests and are proud of it.
trump called for their execution in october of 2016, years after they had been completely exonerated by DNA evidence, you racist trump apologist lying fucktard.5 innocent black men whom at the time were suspected of the crime.., so if someone "allegedly" commits a crime and I call out on them to be executed and they are later found to be innocent I am by default racist against whatever race that innocent person happens to be? Your logic is beyond flawed. You are beyond stupid.
5 innocent black men whom at the time were suspected of the crime.., so if someone "allegedly" commits a crime and I call out on them to be executed and they are later found to be innocent I am by default racist against whatever race that innocent person happens to be? Your logic is beyond flawed. You are beyond stupid.
5 innocent black men whom at the time were suspected of the crime.., so if someone "allegedly" commits a crime and I call out on them to be executed and they are later found to be innocent I am by default racist against whatever race that innocent person happens to be? Your logic is beyond flawed. You are beyond stupid. no he didn't you fucking retard.
Buck stated he called for their execution in 2016, he didn't.
I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suite?
They did actually, but I don't have time anymore to listen to you cry about how Trump grabbed your pussy, some people on riu actually grow weed and I've got work to do..
He brought it up while campaigning like the article I posted says. He still thought they were guilty and should of been executedBuck stated he called for their execution in 2016, he didn't.
I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suite?
I'm also in pa. My insurance went up 1 dollar in 2 years.I've got quite a few family members and friends in the NE (NY,MA,VT) and they also experienced a significant increase. FWIW I'm not a fan of the tax bill.
Youre too fucking stupid to make a good purchase decision. The evidence is all over riu, youre a common fucking idiot.
please do not post in my thread, racist pedophile. thank you*you're
I've got quite a few family members and friends in the NE (NY,MA,VT) and they also experienced a significant increase. FWIW I'm not a fan of the tax bill.
Buck stated he called for their execution in 2016, he didn't.
Is growing your strong suite?They did actually, but I don't have time anymore to listen to you cry about how Trump grabbed your pussy, some people on riu actually grow weed and I've got work to do..