22 million americans have lost health care under trump

The specific year matters if he said it before they were found not guilty. If he had actually said that after they were found not guilty than yes it wouldn’t matter if it was yesterday or 20 years ago.

he called them guilty, called for their execution with a full page ad in the failing new york times, they were completely exonerated by DNA evidence, and he still stuck to calling them guilty a month before you voted for that racist bag of shit.

do facts matter at all to you? or is it just racial resentment above all else?
Yea, unfortunately, PA was one of many Republican leaning states that chose not to establish their own exchange for political purposes, like Arizona and Texas to name a couple.

But interestingly, because this tax bill was passed, PA residents are going to see their rates climb sharply instead of a single digit rate hike if left intact.

I'd write to your congressman about that one.. ask why they didn't establish their own exchange and why they voted for a sharp increase in rates. Doesn't sound like a representative I'd want representing me.

I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suite?

LOL When criticizing others for their use of the English language it's critical to use the language properly. , don't you think?

I hope the following helps educate you so that you don't embarrass yourself and your entire family including aunts and uncles who are only related you you by marriage, something you will probably never experience yourself.

Suit vs. Suite: What’s the Difference?
Sometimes words can be spelled nearly identically, but retain different meanings. In some cases, their pronunciations change drastically as well.

This is the case with suit and suite. Even though there is only one letter’s difference in their spellings, they have separate usage cases which never overlap.

Trick to Remember the Difference
Here is a helpful trick to remember suite vs. suit.

Suit and suite are both nouns, but only suit can be a verb. If you’re using the word as a verb, choose suit.

As a noun, suite and suit each have different meanings that don’t overlap. The words are not interchangeable in any context. You can remember that suite refers to a set of rooms or musical pieces since both suite and antechamber, which is the name of a type of room, are spelled with an E.
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LOL When criticizing others for their use of the English language it's critical to use the language properly. , don't you think?

I hope the following helps educate you so that you don't embarrass yourself and your entire family including aunts and uncles who are only related you you by marriage, something you will probably never experience yourself.

Suit vs. Suite: What’s the Difference?
Sometimes words can be spelled nearly identically, but retain different meanings. In some cases, their pronunciations change drastically as well.

This is the case with suit and suite. Even though there is only one letter’s difference in their spellings, they have separate usage cases which never overlap.

Trick to Remember the Difference
Here is a helpful trick to remember suite vs. suit.

Suit and suite are both nouns, but only suit can be a verb. If you’re using the word as a verb, choose suit.

As a noun, suite and suit each have different meanings that don’t overlap. The words are not interchangeable in any context. You can remember that suite refers to a set of rooms or musical pieces since both suite and antechamber, which is the name of a type of room, are spelled with an E.

so would this work?

"that is one sweet suit hanging in the closet of your hotel suite"
Gotta love auto correct after an ios update. Anyway when grammar and spelling mistakes become part of the argument it is a sure sign you are losing and have nothing worth adding to the discussion.
autocorrect did not do that, retard. you are just fucking stupid. and racist

hence why you voted for trump after he called for the execution of 5 innocent black men
Well duh! Of course I voted for him after he called for their execution.., I was too young to vote before he called for the execution of 5 unknowingly innocent black young chaps. Plus he wasn't running back then.

so why do you think trump tried to call 5 innocent black men guilty after they were completely exonerated by DNA evidence?

and do you agree that there are "very fine people" among the charlottesville nazis?

please answer these questions so i can know how totally not racist as fuck you are, bitch tits
Gotta love auto correct after an ios update. Anyway when grammar and spelling mistakes become part of the argument it is a sure sign you are losing and have nothing worth adding to the discussion.
I don't care about your Appalachian home schooling, I'm just pointing out that when you mock somebody's use of the English language perhaps read what you are about to post for errors. When you don't the mistake is called a backfire.

Why do right wing idiots like you tend to vote for pedos, child rapists and thieves?