2019 Election Talk

Sorry, you just proved @UncleBuck 's point. Your arguement for child abuse is disingenuous. The truth is you, and others, don't give a rat's ass about transgender kids one way or the other. As you pointed out, you wish they'd jump off a bridge as you yelled

So, if this is your belief, why not let the courts, scientists, and their parents deal with it instead of pretending to be a saint. As Jesus pointed out in the gospels, your worship of him is lip service!

Therefore, as Buck mentioned, you should just STFU!

And on top of it, you cry to Rollitup to spare you the truth. LMFAO!

Stick to cannabis and mind your own fuken business!

Well that how misinformed you are bad breath. I wasn't even involved in the conversation until the last second.
Why don't you return to sniffing glue and don't bother talking to me cuz me and you got zero to talk about.
I normally leave you alone and just laugh quietly to myself. I rarely get involved in anything you say. Why don't you do the same and maybe take a short walk off a ......whatever.
And ya the subject doesn't interest me, a lot like you don't. What a'm I supposed to care just cause you do?
And yep I said that too...too fuckin bad it was deleted.
I saw your colors month ago and it made me wish I was color blind. Now be off with ya troll. Before I put you on ignore and you'll only be playing with yourself...again.
You simply have nothing worthwhile to say. And you just proved it.
So for a tool like you ignore is sort of like a set of noise cancelling headphones.
Even when you only pop in once and a while your banter is yawns ville. I barely read it cuz it always stupid. It's not even funny. So why bother. So basically ignore just makes it easier. See ya bad breath. You talk, I won't hear ya. That's funny in itself. You thinking someone is listening when in reality there aren't...too funny. Like a brain dead fool babbling down on the corner to his invisible friend.
hahaha I feel like I just spoke to the wind on a high cliff.
So in other words, you got nothing again lol.

No links, no fuk all.....just inside information that you don't want to share.
Dude. How can you think it's okay to do that to a child. A child doesn't even understand the vast difference between male and female sexuality. They might still contemplate whether to flick a booger or eat it. With the staggering number of children who grow out of it and the science pointing to a potentially higher suicide rate post op, it doesn't make any sense to put a kid through this. You can ruin that child's entire life.

If you saw a parent abuse a child in public would you mind your business then?
So in other words, you got nothing again lol.

No links, no fuk all.....just inside information that you don't want to share.
quit assuming.. If you are around long enough, You'll find out first hand what I'm talking about.
It's a waste of time even talking about it.
Look it up under members?? and start reading! Enjoy.
science pointing to a potentially higher suicide rate post op

Can you get me a link to the studies showing this, I am legit interested and would like to read them (shoot me a dm with a links if you want). Everything I have seen including a meta-analysis of studies show the opposite result post op.
Can you get me a link to the studies showing this, I am legit interested and would like to read them (shoot me a dm with a links if you want). Everything I have seen including a meta-analysis of studies show the opposite result post op.
Typically if you were to dig into the processes behind pro surgery studies, there's a lot of picking and choosing going on in regards to what information they share, or those studies are full blown rigged from the jump.

To look at this logically, you can't write mustang on a 89 tempo and expect yourself and everyone else to believe it's a mustang. It's clearly still an 89 tempo.

Organs constructed during gender reassignment are not as functional as having a natural penis/vagina. There for nobody can make you feel like a natural women lol. Like here's my vagina..its made out of my old penis...

You have to give me something better than an oped by a known bigot on Heritage Foundation based on McHugh's work. Even if we ignore who wrote that piece McHughs work from the 70's has been outside of scientific consensus for ages. All this talk of rigged studies, what is your science background and how are you determining the quality of the studies in question ?

Before you jump on the modern day dismissal of anything that calls someone a bigot, I'm not this new generation who calls everyone bigot and racist, if I am using that word it is because overwhelming evidence supports it, Anderson is bad enough that his own school had to write apologies about him and make it very clear they do not support his views.

Also your analogy makes no sense, to look at this logically you have to look at someone else driving an 89 Tempo and think it is your business if they write mustang on it. I'm not in favor of fucking with children's hormones who do not have a diagnosed imbalance but all arguments against reassignment surgeries for post puberty trans people have been proven to be bullshit.