2019 Election Talk

Sure it will, it'll save all those that aren't religious from having to listen to bigoted idiots that believe in a magic man in the sky use a 6000 year old fairytale as their sword of oppression. All religions are stupid as fuck, and the best day this earth will ever have is the one when the last religious idiot dies.

yawn.... but then we have to hear idiots like you preaching atheism....

"a good day on this earth will will be when"

you stfu..lol

quote odam2k

but I think that's one thing the US got right, the separation of Church and State...

>oh you mean like having bankers be the god..yeh that is working well

Jesus was trying to get them out of the temple..and you know how that turned out

..great bunch

we sure are covering the topics wha??

i clicked like on the Christian Party post because i thought it was a brave post

regardless of whether me or the poster think it is a good idea

your reply was mostly sensible
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Sorry I forgot to include you. I guess you'll be perfect for any category.
Sorry, you just proved @UncleBuck 's point. Your arguement for child abuse is disingenuous. The truth is you, and others, don't give a rat's ass about transgender kids one way or the other. As you pointed out, you wish they'd jump off a bridge as you yelled

So, if this is your belief, why not let the courts, scientists, and their parents deal with it instead of pretending to be a saint. As Jesus pointed out in the gospels, your worship of him is lip service!

Therefore, as Buck mentioned, you should just STFU!

And on top of it, you cry to Rollitup to spare you the truth. LMFAO!

Stick to cannabis and mind your own fuken business!

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Sorry, you just proved @UncleBuck 's point. Your arguement for child abuse is disingenuous. The truth is you, and others, don't give a rat's ass about transgender kids one way or the other

I care about all kids and drugging young children with hormones is almost never physiologically necessary. Defending parents capricious desires to do so because they feel Timmy is a Tammy is just sick. And that has nothing to do with religion....
RIU deleted the name lol
ok, I changed it for you

you should have a look at what the top poster of RIU is all about...and then come back and say what you are...
I'm a little busy, so why don't you just say it. He's homosexual ?

I am comfortable in my heterosexuality........I bang college girls. You want to twist things?

Or is there other information I'm missing?
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ok, I changed it for you

I'm a little busy, so why don't you just say it. He's homosexual ?

I am comfortable in my heterosexuality........I bang college girls. You want to twist things?

Or is there other information I'm missing?
not sure or do I care what his gender is :lol: neutered would suffice :)

nothing to do wit his sex or lack of really.
not sure or do I care what his gender is :lol: neutered would suffice :)

nothing to do wit his sex or lack of really.
Well why don't you just say it? .......I am sure others would like to know too.

Hormone blocker clinic with a hidden agenda?