2019 Election Talk

There was a better way that he could have disagreed with you, so I will do so. MRI scans of trans and cis brains have shown that trans teens brains resemble that of the gender they identify as rather than that they were born as. More studies need to be conducted (I think there are only 2 currently, both show the same thing) but it is extremely strong evidence supporting trans identity. The thing that is so good both about the quality of the studies and the type of study they chose to do is that it eliminates feelings and beliefs completely, it is literal brain scans, there is nothing to be skewed.

I'm not looking for an argument or fight, I have shittier things to do today (it's trim day), just presenting evidence, the evidence that actually made me rethink my view on things.
That was a much better way to start a discussion. I was unaware of brain scans being done. It doesn't mean I trust the science, though...and I don't need to. I'm not dealing with that in my family and I don't disrespect those who are, I just don't get the whole thing...nor do I really want to. I'm not sure why the freak took such an offence to my original comment -
And I LIKE trim days..lol! Need a hand?
Again...FUCK YOU!
What in the fuck on you on, boy? Get of the crack...it's making you sound like a fucking idiot.
Which parents did I interfere with raising their kids, fuckwad? Are you suggesting a comment voicing my opinion on the subject is somehow influencing someone in a decision about their child, you're even dumber than I thought. I'm a bigot and a fucktard because I don't agree with you? And, again....FUCK YOU! Is no one outside of the lgtbq circus allowed to have an opinion on anything that involves their members, cause if that's the case, you folks need to shut the fuck up about anything the straight folks do. I wasn't rude, homophobic or at all confrontational in my original comment, and you went straight to name calling and insuklts because you didn't like my message. Either you're a snowflake or you have mental health issues....or most likely, both.
Now run along and play with your little friends...you annoy me.
I'm dealing with some frustrating problem solving at work all day, so smoking a fatty and mindlessly trimming is actually therapeutic. I have 3 pairs of scissors and a bottle of rubbing alcohol handy - when all the scissors are too sticky to work, it's time for a cannabis break!
How about YOU MIND YOUR OWN DISGUSTING BUSINESS? Who told you that you get to decide what is or isn't someones business? Are you that fucking removed from normal human interactions?
I don't take orders from anyone, son, especially not a whacked out piece of shit like you. If you want to control what I decide is my business, you are welcome to come and make your point to my face anytime. I've made no secret about where I live - pull up your big girl panties and come and knock on my door and discuss it if you are so offended. You won't though, because you're a fucking coward. You are pathetic...and now you're fucking blocked. Life's to short to play with the intellectually challenged.
fucking goof.
How about YOU MIND YOUR OWN DISGUSTING BUSINESS? Who told you that you get to decide what is or isn't someones business? Are you that fucking removed from normal human interactions?
I don't take orders from anyone, son, especially not a whacked out piece of shit like you. If you want to control what I decide is my business, you are welcome to come and make your point to my face anytime. I've made no secret about where I live - pull up your big girl panties and come and knock on my door and discuss it if you are so offended. You won't though, because you're a fucking coward. You are pathetic...and now you're fucking blocked. Life's to short to play with the intellectually challenged.
fucking goof.

Don't let him get under your skin, he's just a lame troll from the "politics" section that adds nothing to any conversation he enters. Just another angry twat that thinks projecting his own failures, despite his privilege, is edgy and cool.
Love being a Liberal. Smoking a joint while the Conservative whine. I love the Conservative stoners who are so moronic that they prefer the six months mandatory minimum for five plants law that Harper made vs a fine of $200 if you have six plants that the Liberals made. Stoner Conservatives are more moronic then the Jews who were Nazi supporters.

Enjoying life while Conservatives cower in fear you got to love poetic justice.
How about YOU MIND YOUR OWN DISGUSTING BUSINESS? Who told you that you get to decide what is or isn't someones business? Are you that fucking removed from normal human interactions?
I don't take orders from anyone, son, especially not a whacked out piece of shit like you. If you want to control what I decide is my business, you are welcome to come and make your point to my face anytime. I've made no secret about where I live - pull up your big girl panties and come and knock on my door and discuss it if you are so offended. You won't though, because you're a fucking coward. You are pathetic...and now you're fucking blocked. Life's to short to play with the intellectually challenged.
fucking goof.

You need to smoke more or less weed dude and stop caring about what assholes say.

BTW you did the right thing, even if you argue with every moron you meet online and it won't change a thing, because they are too stupid to understand the cause and effect reality we all exist in.:wall:
You need to smoke more or less weed dude and stop caring about what assholes say.

BTW you did the right thing, even if you argue with every moron you meet online and it won't change a thing, because they are too stupid to understand the cause and effect reality we all exist in.:wall:
It's possible to smoke MORE weed than I do now? Who knew?! I will certainly try. You know I ain't gonna be smoking any less lol
Yeah, I can get fired up - it's an allergy to stupid people - but after I say my piece it's best to put the twits on ignore and get on with life.
How about YOU MIND YOUR OWN DISGUSTING BUSINESS? Who told you that you get to decide what is or isn't someones business? Are you that fucking removed from normal human interactions?
I don't take orders from anyone, son, especially not a whacked out piece of shit like you. If you want to control what I decide is my business, you are welcome to come and make your point to my face anytime. I've made no secret about where I live - pull up your big girl panties and come and knock on my door and discuss it if you are so offended. You won't though, because you're a fucking coward. You are pathetic...and now you're fucking blocked. Life's to short to play with the intellectually challenged.
fucking goof.
You’re upset
Mind your own fucking business and let parents raise their kids

They don’t want or need bigot fucktards firing off their cock holsters about the tough decisions they and their children face
Altering a childs sexual hormones permanently at such young ages IS child abuse since they don't know what it is let alone consent to a life altering irreversible decision. The only tough road ahead is the years of mental anguish they put their kid through because they thought a 3 year old was trans. With suicide rates of 40%+, far above normal rates and along the lines of serious mental illnesses that lead to suicide it's clear it's a mental health issue

The fact you dont want anyone discussing the issue says a lot. You may not like the facts but that changes NOTHING .No one said anyone is any less deserving of the same rights or respects anyone else is entitled to or that they are less of a person. Its a societal issue we face and are free to discuss as adults.

If you can't handle differing opinions you should probably just avoid humanity as a whole because not everyone is going to cow tow to your feelings or views, deal with it.
Love being a Liberal. Smoking a joint while the Conservative whine. I love the Conservative stoners who are so moronic that they prefer the six months mandatory minimum for five plants law that Harper made vs a fine of $200 if you have six plants that the Liberals made. Stoner Conservatives are more moronic then the Jews who were Nazi supporters.

Enjoying life while Conservatives cower in fear you got to love poetic justice.
I think you're assuming incorrectly, I dont think they prefer Harpers choice but are pointing out how the current situation was easily avoidable and half assed.
This possibly had nothing to do with the Liberals at all. My buddy in the states had to switch his profession because of massive layoffs at offshore rigs and oil patches all over the states as well, he had to take a massive pay cut and drive heavy machinery for Halliburton instead of making 6 figures on the rigs. He said that they were blaming OPEC and more specifically the Saudis for the issues.
Yeah we all took paycuts too, used to make $150-200k/year now it's like 80-90k/year