2018 Quitters Thread

I've never understood why some people get drunk and fuck up while others just end up going to sleep.. I don't naturally black out, ever. When my brother drinks he hardly knows his own name and always fucks up hard. Why do some people take it way worse then others, not the addiction part but the way people react to being loaded?

IDK dude, I’ve wondered the same thing. Whenever we pulled into somewhere after being out to sea I just wanted to get on the internet and talk to family, while drinking, so usually a cafe. There was always someone who did something idiotic while they were on liberty, literally every single port I ever pulled in to. Never understood it.

When we were in Portugal the pier was being guarded by the Portuguese military and they were sleeping in a tent and some chick from admin popped a squat and pissed right outside their tent. Lol

I’m not perfect either, I got super drunk in Ukraine and paid a stripper to let me throw a pack of lunch meat at her one slice at a time, she cried, I laughed, it was fun.

I’ve got lots of stories of stupid things that people I worked with did while drunk. I’ve never lost any time, or did anything I regret. Even the moo moo heifer I banged so my buddy could get with a hot chick. Yeah bro I jumped on that grenade, my buddy joe jumped on one too, his chick was so fat she dented a fuckin dryer bro. lol
IDK dude, I’ve wondered the same thing. Whenever we pulled into somewhere after being out to sea I just wanted to get on the internet and talk to family, while drinking, so usually a cafe. There was always someone who did something idiotic while they were on liberty, literally every single port I ever pulled in to. Never understood it.

When we were in Portugal the pier was being guarded by the Portuguese military and they were sleeping in a tent and some chick from admin popped a squat and pissed right outside their tent. Lol

I’m not perfect either, I got super drunk in Ukraine and paid a stripper to let me throw a pack of lunch meat at her one slice at a time, she cried, I laughed, it was fun.

I’ve got lots of stories of stupid things that people I worked with did while drunk. I’ve never lost any time, or did anything I regret. Even the moo moo heifer I banged so my buddy could get with a hot chick. Yeah bro I jumped on that grenade, my buddy joe jumped on one too, his chick was so fat she dented a fuckin dryer bro. lol
That's the kinda chick that's down to eat your butthole. Gotta take full advantage or else you get ripped off, with those.
Your editing leaves much to be desired.
"I don't consider myself a hard withdrawal type alchoholic" As in I've gone at least a week sober here or there in the last couple years with no symptoms.
But I appreciate your concern. I have recognized it's become a problem; which is why I'm working on it.

I have yearly physical including blood and urine. All good for now.
Your editing leaves much to be desired.
"I don't consider myself a hard withdrawal type alchoholic" As in I've gone at least a week sober here or there in the last couple years with no symptoms.
But I appreciate your concern. I have recognized it's become a problem; which is why I'm working on it.

I have yearly physical including blood and urine. All good for now.

Try for a week and a day.
Front loader or ?

It was in their backyard, front loader, he bent her over it and caved in the front right corner on top.

That's the kinda chick that's down to eat your butthole. Gotta take full advantage or else you get ripped off, with those.

Oh I did. She bought us breakfast at Denny’s, a real class act. I earned that breakfast. She was really nice.
IDK dude, I’ve wondered the same thing. Whenever we pulled into somewhere after being out to sea I just wanted to get on the internet and talk to family, while drinking, so usually a cafe. There was always someone who did something idiotic while they were on liberty, literally every single port I ever pulled in to. Never understood it.

When we were in Portugal the pier was being guarded by the Portuguese military and they were sleeping in a tent and some chick from admin popped a squat and pissed right outside their tent. Lol

I’m not perfect either, I got super drunk in Ukraine and paid a stripper to let me throw a pack of lunch meat at her one slice at a time, she cried, I laughed, it was fun.

I’ve got lots of stories of stupid things that people I worked with did while drunk. I’ve never lost any time, or did anything I regret. Even the moo moo heifer I banged so my buddy could get with a hot chick. Yeah bro I jumped on that grenade, my buddy joe jumped on one too, his chick was so fat she dented a fuckin dryer bro. lol

Respect. +rep
I've never understood why some people get drunk and fuck up while others just end up going to sleep.. I don't naturally black out, ever. When my brother drinks he hardly knows his own name and always fucks up hard. Why do some people take it way worse then others, not the addiction part but the way people react to being loaded?
Body chemistry, unique and amazing. I'm a loving drunk, happy and so sweet, right until I cut your ear off. But seriously I'm a happy drunk.
Try for a week and a day.
Denial it's not just a river anymore.

Your editing leaves much to be desired.
"I don't consider myself a hard withdrawal type alchoholic" As in I've gone at least a week sober here or there in the last couple years with no symptoms.
But I appreciate your concern. I have recognized it's become a problem; which is why I'm working on it.

I have yearly physical including blood and urine. All good for now.
Nah he just pointed out the salient aspect. You are doing a lot of denial. It's normal and I hope you make it in 2018
Le sigh...
The point of that statement was that I wasn't too worried about withdrawal symptoms based on my personal experience of me being me and knowing me. He edited the quote (fake news) to make it appear I said I wasn't an alcoholic.
I never said I wasn't an alcoholic, merely not likely to get withdrawal. I have stated that I know I have a problem, and am working on it.
Would it make you feel better if I stood up in front of the room and announced; "My name's Possum and I'm an alchoholic?

Hello everybody! I am an Alcoholic. I am an addict. I get addicted to many things easily. I am a marijuana addict. I am a serious Mtn Dew addict (withdrawal for sure) I am an Alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

But, I am aware of my problems, and am working on them as I am able. (Can you all say the same?)

But, Thank you internet strangers, I didn't realize you knew me so well.

I thought this thread could help me and some others I noticed were trying to quit something.
I should have stuck to lighthearted penis topics.
Life is too short to argue on the internet.
I'm just gonna walk.
Good luck to you all.
I thought this thread could help me and some others I noticed were trying to quit something.
I should have stuck to lighthearted penis topics.
Life is too short to argue on the internet.
I'm just gonna walk.
Good luck to you all.

TnT, RIU for that matter, is not the place to come for warm over welcoming comradery.

About the only things that get broad general support are births and deaths.
Yea for one and sorry for the other most of the time.

Never count out the dick in the room as they will pop up a good portion of the time.

I fought my demons back, and still do, so can you.
I am a serious Mtn Dew addict (withdrawal for sure) I am an Alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

The ellipsis was notation that BB did edit your post. I use snip. BB is probably one of the nicest guys on here. I don't think you could find a snarky post by him. What I believe he was trying to point out was what you are doing right there in your post above. You were qualifying your alcoholism. Which isn't real acceptance which was why I brought up denial.

That is why going to AA is so important. Not that you need say anything but that you listen to others who are wrestling with the disease and hopefully you can learn. So you don't have to fall into each and every trap yourself.

I don't think any of us were out to hurt you over this. I know I was not. One day medical science (now that's an oxy moron), will find the biochemical imbalance that creates this disorder. But until then about the most successful thing you can do is AA. Whether you stay or go I hope you can successfully battle your demon.
Good luck,
Le sigh...
The point of that statement was that I wasn't too worried about withdrawal symptoms based on my personal experience of me being me and knowing me. He edited the quote (fake news) to make it appear I said I wasn't an alcoholic.
I never said I wasn't an alcoholic, merely not likely to get withdrawal. I have stated that I know I have a problem, and am working on it.
Would it make you feel better if I stood up in front of the room and announced; "My name's Possum and I'm an alchoholic?

Hello everybody! I am an Alcoholic. I am an addict. I get addicted to many things easily. I am a marijuana addict. I am a serious Mtn Dew addict (withdrawal for sure) I am an Alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

But, I am aware of my problems, and am working on them as I am able. (Can you all say the same?)

But, Thank you internet strangers, I didn't realize you knew me so well.

I thought this thread could help me and some others I noticed were trying to quit something.
I should have stuck to lighthearted penis topics.
Life is too short to argue on the internet.
I'm just gonna walk.
Good luck to you all.

Hey bro, you're no stranger to me. family, guns, flags, powertools, fireworks, diy, hunting n sweet stinky weed. I'll be your internet friend.

EDIT: :hug: I forgot the hug
The ellipsis was notation that BB did edit your post. I use snip. BB is probably one of the nicest guys on here. I don't think you could find a snarky post by him. What I believe he was trying to point out was what you are doing right there in your post above. You were qualifying your alcoholism. Which isn't real acceptance which was why I brought up denial.

That is why going to AA is so important. Not that you need say anything but that you listen to others who are wrestling with the disease and hopefully you can learn. So you don't have to fall into each and every trap yourself.

I don't think any of us were out to hurt you over this. I know I was not. One day medical science (now that's an oxy moron), will find the biochemical imbalance that creates this disorder. But until then about the most successful thing you can do is AA. Whether you stay or go I hope you can successfully battle your demon.
Good luck,

I too meant no offense, quite the opposite in fact.
Many on this board have addictive personalities and I'm no exception.
+ Rep for working on yours, hopefully it will be the impetus for others to try as well.