2012 Doomsday?


Well-Known Member
So I'm sure everyone has heard of the doomsday prediction said to occur on December 21st, 2012. I would just laugh when the subject came up until today. I saw a doomsday commercial and became very interested, so I googled it. I came across an article, explaining in simple terms what will happen on the above date. I found it very interesting that Russia was building a very large underground complex, and Bill Gates private foundation contributing to the construction of a large storage facilities that will house seeds from all over the world for future conservation. Heres the site I found this info on www.viewzone.come/endtime.html- Sorry, not to good with computers. Don't know how to do the link thing.
When all this doom's day thing happen's i'm going up to the redwood forest in Humboldt and go hang out by this tree that is so old it was around be for the dinosaurs and lived when they died off.so the way see it is if that tree can live after all that,there must be something to it.
plus it only an 8 hour drive from my house. Camping trip!! and smoke some good weed and watch the world go crazy! i will be just chilling!!!

PEACE:peace:,:leaf:LOVE,:bigjoint:STAY HIGH


Active Member
i am assembling my doomsday kit,1 lb w/w buds. zig zags, 2 glass bowls {in case one breaks during all that doomsday stuff}.10 bic lighters, extra flip flops.pajamas,snorkel,cell phone.helmet cam,clean grundys,volly ball named wilson.pot seeds, and yo mama


Well-Known Member
december 12 2012 is a date representing when we will be in the middle our of our universe and the galaxies will be alligned. If this happens on december 12, that means the mayans knew the dimensions of our universe and are probably more intelligent then we ever thought possible. It might be center of our galaxy, but im not exactly sure, but crazy shit


Well-Known Member
december 12 2012 is a date representing when we will be in the middle our of our universe and the galaxies will be alligned. If this happens on december 12, that means the mayans knew the dimensions of our universe and are probably more intelligent then we ever thought possible. It might be center of our galaxy, but im not exactly sure, but crazy shit
What's your source for this? NASA? The European Space Agency? I have a feeling it's not.

What exactly is the "alignment" of galaxies moving away from each other at a scale of time and distance that they wouldn't even move relative to each other in the sky during the rise and fall of the civilization.


New Member
There is such a thing as the Galactic Alignment however only you are the center of your universe.

The Earth is not located in the center of the known universe.

How did the Mayans figure out celestial phenomena so precisely using psychedelics instead of telescopes?



Well-Known Member
Did anyone see the 2012 movie yet?it was pretty good but I think this is all a load of bullshit.Its a shame though cause when Dec 21/2012 comes around theres probably gonna be alot of suicides over this nonsense.


Well-Known Member
i am assembling my doomsday kit,1 lb w/w buds. zig zags, 2 glass bowls {in case one breaks during all that doomsday stuff}.10 bic lighters, extra flip flops.pajamas,snorkel,cell phone.helmet cam,clean grundys,volly ball named wilson.pot seeds, and yo mama
nice.....very very nice


Well-Known Member
What's your source for this? NASA? The European Space Agency? I have a feeling it's not.

What exactly is the "alignment" of galaxies moving away from each other at a scale of time and distance that they wouldn't even move relative to each other in the sky during the rise and fall of the civilization.
this is the myans date from the long count (a complex calendar system)....i dont want to hear no fucking nonsense about nasa (who verifies the myans models) because the myans had complex models of the universe before Socrates had his head up his ass with the world being geocentric....


Well-Known Member

sweet video, PadawanBater. i may have to start worshiping "W Cephei" as god !! :D

if that things fairly accurate it would be impossible for me to imagine the planets NOT having a huge effect on solar flares. and if this galaxy alignment / plane thing has any merit ... look out solar flares !!

i don't think the end is imminent as far as -that- date goes ... but, personally, i believe we have already reached a climatological tipping point as far as green house gasses and such. i believe major problems are going to take place regardless of how many pollution reforms we make at this point.

if the mayans seem at all interesting to you, you might look into some of their 'forward-thinking' religious beliefs. A favored deity of the day, to the best of my understanding, was Quetzacoatl. A plumed serpeant (or dragon) that was also a metaphor for the shift that a man can make from physical being to an energetic consciousness. A mascot or harbinger of this 'ether cycle' perhaps.


New Member
Big Solar Flare = Big EMP = NO Electricity or Electronics = Zombieland

No gasoline, no heat, no food, no water, just lots and lots and lots and lots of hungry desperate people making their own rules, globalized Katrina style.


Well-Known Member
mayans were cool, its the end off there calander not the world, still im packing enough bud for ten years just in case!


Well-Known Member
I just finished reading an okay book (Apocalypse 2012) that explores the whole 12/21/2012 hype by a very respected natural science journalist. The first half of the book was really good, going over mostly factual information that was easy to cross-reference. The second half of the book was all religiousness and spirituality bullshit, which was a disappointing turn.

Either way, most of you have the story wrong....That date is the end of the long count calendar, the second longest calendar the Mayans had, out of like 20-30 different calendars. Their calendars were based on tracking cycles, like gestation cycles for people and important livestock, planetary motions, solar and lunar patterns, geological patterns and much larger scale astronomical patterns.

The long count calendar is roughly 5,125 years long. The parent calendar to the long count calendar is put together by 5-cycles of the long count calendar, this equals roughly 26,000 years and is the cycle of precession for Earth. Precession is the period of time it takes for the axis of a rotating object to go through it's own rotation. SO, the axis the earth rotates on rotates it's own axis every 26,000 years.

The Maya broke that cycle into 5 smaller cycles (the long count calendar); apparently they chose 5 cycles for no reason other than they believed there were 5 basic elements to the universe, fire, earth, air, water and ether. The 5 cycles take place in that order. So by their view Dec. 21 2012 is Not the end of the world, it is the end of the fourth long count, the Water cycle, and the beginning of the fifth long count, the Ether cycle. In their tradition the Ether cycle is supposed to be an age of enlightenment, but also the loss of ignorance and the illogical. In their folklore the Ether cycle is when knowledge reigns and the unrighteous and disillusioned suffer or are lost.

The Mayans were not doomsday believers and were not a death-obsessed culture. They believed that everything took place in cycles, including time. Additionally, death was not something they feared like most modern cultures, it was a valued and revered part of life, part of the cycle of life, not the end of a linear process.

Someone in one of the other posts mentioned their doubt that a culture that old and that long-gone could've possibly calculated such cycles as the solar flare cycles. But not only did they calculate them but their calculations were more precise than western calculations were up until the advent of electronic calculators. Their solar calendar (as in the calendar year) was accurate to within 22 minutes! They were a math and astronomy obsessed society whose abilities were far beyond anyone else's. They had an understanding of calculus that we didn't have until 1,000 years after they were gone. They had calcualted Pi to like the 6th decimal place which took us until like the 18th century or something. Their understanding of math and astronomy was enormous and should be respected, not doubted. It is well documented and accepted by the anthropological and archealogical fields.

Lastly, the ide of the galatic plane intersection is a misinterpretation of the fact that on Dec. 21 2012, the sun will eclipse the center of the galaxy from Earth. Odd coincidence or non-coincidence, it is an example of accepting that dead and lost cultures could have very well understood things that we do not yet.

Did anyone even read this? This is probably one of the most accurate posts.

The world is not going to end. This is just media taking it to the extreme. We are in for change. The Mayans are a lot smarter than you and I will probably ever be.

We are on the Cusp of Aquarius I believe.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone even read this? This is probably one of the most accurate posts.

The world is not going to end. This is just media taking it to the extreme. We are in for change. The Mayans are a lot smarter than you and I will probably ever be.

We are on the Cusp of Aquarius I believe.
yes after every procession there is a new age...cmon people...doesnt anyone read or attend school anymore...:wall: