1st Week of Using Super Soil. Already Having Problems!

Your problems are most likly that your obsessing about the plants.
If you mixed the recipe properly and your using good water the plants will be fine. I dont stare at my plants 24/7 looking for problems.
There are at least 4 dozen people on these boards alone using the recipe with amazing results.
I feel your over loving the plants, let em do there thing.
First off I wanna thank u for taking time out of ur day to reply to us. I think we found the problem this morning when we came to check the runoff water its very acidic. That for sure is the lime not breaking down as it probably didn't cook long enough. Is there anything we can do to save them? Where we're from we dont have access to exotics I his got lucky and found a kush seed. The other strains came from a friend I no longer talk to so if this doesn't work we're ass out and back to regular seeds. The power plant and northern lights seem to be handling it well but before it gets to them we wanna find a way to correct the problem if possible. Again I thank u for taking time out of ur day to hopefully give us some words of wisdom cuz we look up to you crazy and really have faith in the SS if we can correct our issues.
either rip em out of the pot and cut the mix with regular potting soil. or chill out and let em go. there is no fix. follow the directions, listen to sub. look at my big smart pot thread and sw thread. in both threads there are examples of soil that is too hot for the plants. read both s.s threads front to back and watch the two transplanting videos and the video discussing mixing the soil. i know for a fact all the info is there. live and learn and you will have a better run next time. and should continue to improve each harvest.
Thank you sub you dont kno how much we appricate your help I respect all the help we got but you know your shit the best thanks for taking the time to answer are questions we cloned just incase they dont make it but where keep hope they just adjust bein the strong girls they are. Kushking mad respect bro thanks
I added some ph up to my water to bring it to around 7.5 to 7.8 and the runoff also went up to around 6 where it should be.
I have used around 40 pallets of Roots soil in the last 6 years.
Its is the best growing medium I have seen!

next time we should have the money for the 8 bags of root. We appreciate all the advice and u can be sure we'll keep updating through out the grow
I have used around 40 pallets of Roots soil in the last 6 years.
Its is the best growing medium I have seen!


I agree completely. I'm using Roots and your Super Soil mix for the 5th time with excellent results everytime. The first round I had the same things going on that The Newbies do. I upped my water PH slightly and problem solved. I believe it's my terrible city water that calls for the slight ph increase and not the Roots Soil. My only complaint about Roots is the fungus gnats, but that's a fairly easy fix and doesn't really hurt anything, just annoying when they're buzzing around your face. I would also like to thank Subcool, for all the knowledge and wonderful genetics that you've shared with us. Out of everything I've grown I have to say that Vortex grown in your SS mix is my favorite without a doubt. In no way am I trying to argue with the master here, just my personal experience with a similar problem.
We're back again this time were having trouble with our clones in straight roots soil. I'm gonna upload a pic for yall to see what's going on.
cant say ive ever seen burning like that. what temp. is the room, how far away is the light? hows the water ph, ppm? have you put this strain in plain roots before? are you foliar spraying anything?
the temp is like 71 ph in the roots was 6.5 and no this is the first time using roots with these clones lights about 3 inches from girls and no where not spraying them
have to invest in a tester to check the ppm. using plain tap water, should we be using water from the store? before this I did a grow under cfls and used water from walmart and had no problems and it was with plain potting soil. would that water make a difference? we also let the water sit for 24hrs before its used, would that have anything to do with it?
Newbie its obvious to me you have a water problem.

Stop posting one line questions on riu expecting to learn anything.

Try doing some research online hell every question youve asked is answered in my forum.
If a book is more your speed I recommend Eds new book highly.

The fact you actually asked if letting water sit is harmful tells me you have put no effort into the hobby

its kinda hard to read 142 pages on a phone, ya kno...instead of talkin down on us why dnt u give specific pages of ur forum when asked ?s like this and the username says it all. not pros by a long shot
So Again looking for someone else to do your work?
You dont have to have some huge skill set to show initiative.
I deplore laziness thats what you hear in my tone.
My advise is to actually put forth some effort in gaining some knowledge its fine to be a newbie we all were at one point
When I started no computers only one grow book no one to ask now the amount of information is limitless you just have to put in the work to learn the information thats not only provided but free.
Newbs... gotta put in the research some more. You got this far on a phone you should be able to find all the basics on rollitup.org for growing proper medicine. While growing it is by no means rocket science there are many variables that can cause problems that you need to at least be aware of. Letting tap water sit for 24 hours to let chlorine dissipate is growing 101. If you've made it to SS you should have the basic water knowledge down. Until you are following everything everyone else is doing its almost impossible to diagnose the problem correctly, one can only speculate if you aren't following the instructions. And don't forget all the knowledge in the world can be worthless without the experience to back it up. You need to just grow, follow the guidelines as much as you can and learn from your mistakes. Don't get discuraged, keep at it.
I feel alot of times people just want to ask questions to be heard..... I'm sure you know more than you're making it seem.... If you're already at trying out super soil, then I'm sure you've done your research... Why not start from step 1...... And Sub is completely right... Back when some of us started growing weed, we didnt have no GOOGLE, or RIU.... Back then when I was 12(...um... yeah..lol), and trying my first outdoor grows, I would do almost anything to have a PHONE with INTERNET on it, in which you can type a question away, and it would give you your answer almost instantly!... I throught I knew what I was doing till I was like 16, and I finally got a pc, and ran into Overgrow website, where I did all my research.... To tell you the truth, I never even posted for the first 5-6 months or so, but I just sat back and took everything in from all these veterans.. When I finally felt comfortable enough in my skills, is when I started posting, as I wasnt a complete newb, but I was still young, but I remember all the people I looked up to, and really wanted to get to know were all in their mid twenties and older, so I would lie, and say I was 22, but I had always been a mature kid, from hanging out with alot of my older brothers, and their friends..

To tell you the truth, I KNOW Marijuana made me the humble person I am today.... I always tell my friends that I think every kid (15 or so) should smoke out with an adult who truly cares about him, and not just trying to get him fucked up..... Weed will make you a better person... You will have a totally new outlook at life.... You will stop and think before you do anything stupid, and that same feelings and knowledge you picked up or thought about while stoned, will cross over and make you think the same way when you're sober, so you have a totally new way at looking at things...

For example.... I was always a shy kid.. Always a lil insecure about myself for some reason... Maybe because when my brothers would pick on me when I was a child child... But I remember when I got high one time, and I was thinking about this, and it makes you dissect every little detail about life.... about girls, and how they think.... And after that, I basically learned how to be more social with people... and not only when I was high....

Anyways..... The moral of the story is..... Wait... what were we talking about again? lol..... jk.... But, yea..... Dont be so independent.... Of course this is why RIU is here for, and the site wouldnt be running if people wouldnt ask questions... Even I have been guilty for it when I just started, but it was just a say to throw stuff out there to try and engage with people, and make friends.......

Sucks, me being a such well respected member at overgrow since I was 15-16, and then it got shut down over that raid with all my pics, and most importanly... all my friends...... Overgrow was truly the best.... and sucks having to start in a new forum, years later and getting judged by people for my low post count, and them assuming they know more than me because they have more posts, when I was most likely around here before some of they probably even tried weed...... Back in those days, when Nirvana seeds were 12.50 bucks a pack if you bought 4... 15 bucks, but buy 3 get 1 free...... awesomeness on a stick :)