1st Week of Using Super Soil. Already Having Problems!

Yeah, after looking at those new pics I'd say they just have some hot feet. That happened to me the first time I used super soil because it got too dry for a bit while cooking and didn't finish composting all the way. Your plants really don't look all that bad. I bet they do fine.

hahaha...JTRBUSHES...does that meen what I think it does??? Jack the ripper bushes?
IMO the lighting has nothing to do with it at this point. The last thing I would do is increase the intensity before they recover. I bet in a few days you will be seeing some new growth and they will take off. Keep those t5's close and they can veg just fine.
This is them now


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Not to much has changed it seems to be just the shade leaves that were growing prior to moving it doesn't seem to be affecting the new growth but im worried it will
some bad advice above. those upper fan leaves wouldnt have purple petiole's in 4 days from s.s. those plants were either starving in their previous pot or rootbound. u need to read the s.s thread start to finish make sure your doing everything right. a clone put in a 1 gallon pot and placed under an hid should have enough food and root space to last a month. and then transplanted into s.s. also imo if you dont have an hid light u r wasting your time.
Yea they where hungry and root bound before we moved um east very big where we hade them now if we use the 400hps is it gonna stretch the plants out or will they be ok and do you think there gonna survive cause we followed the s.s to a T except for the roots we bought the best soil we could afford at the time and mixed it with a bag of light warrior
Have you checked the PH of the water going in and coming out? I know with Super Soil it's typically not necessary to check ph, but it's given me some issues in the past.
Yea we check the ph and it was good im using spring water like I mean straight from the ground so should I check it for something else
Can you drink it straight? If it doesnt taste bad....that would be a good sign. I think you perhaps did not buffer the plants with potting soil and mabey set the roots directly in supersoil. Is this possible? I also get some spots on my leaves when transplanting into supersoil. Normally its only on 1 or 2 leaves and never on new growth.

Hope all is turning out ok.
Yea you can drink it right from the hose its like bottled water but they even put stuff in bottled water my water literally filters threw the ground on my hilliside and straight in to the hose and then in to my tank o been taken the water straight from the hose
Try to see if that's going to help close pic of a leave we took off still tryna figure out why there doin that seems to be just the old fan leaves doesn't seem to be affecting the new growth


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I've had a couple plants get "hot feet" from the roots touching the super soil directly after transplanting. Both of mine just had burned leaf tips though, nothing like this. What is the runoff PH at coming out of the plants? Good luck!
Still having mad trouble with these. Leaves seem to still be dryin kind of bummin me out new growth still seems to be fine
About the ss, did u change it at all from subs recipie? I mean at all?? Did you skip any of the drainage stuff? Maybe a different base soil?