Ya i hear that,, i really need some ph up or lime cuz all the nutes I test are very acidic. I tried to balance it out with very high calcium/alkaline water and it,(the fert.), is just too strong when i test it,, But i gave the plants a small dose anyway, especially the fucked ones. im keeping the door open also during the 12hr day then closed when sleep, speaking of sleep im hitting the sack dude. 2 be continued.....

I just woke them up today,, I realized why the air might be a issue cuz I keep my fans off when they are sleeping and on when they wake up,, I will keep them on 24/7 from now on,, the tiger bloom is already perking them up so i guess they were lacking some nutes,, last night I gave them a tiny bit with watering, and today i see it wasnt enuff cuz the cups were light again so I gave it a bit more,, will not do it again till monday or so next week what u think? should I add some molasses with my waterings? I ALREADY was giving them a little epsom salt for the mg but didnt want to over do it with the molasses cuz im of out epsom,, let me know