1st timer PC growing


Well-Known Member
You can still lst it while it is flowering, but it wont even start flowering for another few weeks even if you start 12/12 now.


Well-Known Member
exactly, they show in 3 days to over a week then another week to even start flowering theres guys training till harvest time so no worries...... as for veg they are rite flower time is coming up very shortly thats what i ment by a short veg an full flower time..flower is gonna be like 8 weeks but can take up to and over 15 weeks depends on indica or sativa for sure then strain....bein that they wont be mature plants going into 12/12 i'm betting it takin on the couple weeks to flower....

jus buy flowering nutes and skip the veg nutes this time get you something that has a high phosphorus rating but still has a decent nitrogen rating (since youd be skipping veg nuts i bet theyll want a lil N in flower) 8-15-8 or something similar im using a 10-15-10 nute for flower rite now ...... or you can go organic with a bag of bone meal all this is a t home depot in the garden section.......
exactly, they show in 3 days to over a week then another week to even start flowering theres guys training till harvest time so no worries...... as for veg they are rite flower time is coming up very shortly thats what i ment by a short veg an full flower time..flower is gonna be like 8 weeks but can take up to and over 15 weeks depends on indica or sativa for sure then strain....bein that they wont be mature plants going into 12/12 i'm betting it takin on the couple weeks to flower....

jus buy flowering nutes and skip the veg nutes this time get you something that has a high phosphorus rating but still has a decent nitrogen rating (since youd be skipping veg nuts i bet theyll want a lil N in flower) 8-15-8 or something similar im using a 10-15-10 nute for flower rite now ...... or you can go organic with a bag of bone meal all this is a t home depot in the garden section.......
so do i mix the bone meal in the soil after i wake the plants up and water? or do i need to replant and change the soil I been using that is for seedling,, it only has 0.05/0.01/0.05,, should I change the soil?


Well-Known Member
jus mix a small amount into the soil before watering it show on the bag or you can do by mixing up all new soil which all i would do itll give you the chance to put them in some same size cups so you can finish em out in the pc case
jus mix a small amount into the soil before watering it show on the bag or you can do by mixing up all new soil which all i would do itll give you the chance to put them in some same size cups so you can finish em out in the pc case
so I should put the other one in a cup and basically replant both of them with new soil? How long are the plants into shock or will they be ok if I do it properly?


Well-Known Member
get every thing ready to go then do it carefully and quickly and it should only take a few days sfter the transplant to recover
Ok today I woke them up from 12/12 for the first time accept the middle plant in the pic,, it has been outside since seed so I transplanted all 3 of the seedlings I have been working on. It was pretty sketchy transpotting all of them,, the roots were everywhere so I managed to keep the main ball of roots intact,, then went to fresh soil I already had and a very light mix of mg bloom booster 15/30/15 added to water to keep the soil moist,, I wonder why the one plant on the far right is always smelling so dank compaired to the other plants that dont really have any smell at all?? Is that stanky one the girl possibly? That would be the shit!:weed: Also Since I used a very light amount of fertilizer,, when should I water them next with it or use plain h20 next water time?


Well-Known Member
they look good man see as long as you were prepared you didnt hurt em at all ...... as for the stinky ness some do some dont i wish mine were stinkin up the room and im 22 days in flower haha ..... they look good for sure the hopefully their all females ill cross my fingers for ya

but dont they seem to fit better in the smaller cups lol
they look good man see as long as you were prepared you didnt hurt em at all ...... as for the stinky ness some do some dont i wish mine were stinkin up the room and im 22 days in flower haha ..... they look good for sure the hopefully their all females ill cross my fingers for ya

but dont they seem to fit better in the smaller cups lol
Ya they fit fine,, I have plenty room now,, I hope I can get some good smoke out of this shit,, get this I just found out I have a hydro store in my area http://www.atlantishydroponics.com/Merchant5/merchant.mvc?Screen=SFNT&Store_Code=AH:clap: Its on next grow!


Well-Known Member
lucky lol my rural as has to order or build everything but you jus hit the jackpot and got a great place for parts nutes upgrades everything ......

and grown rite weed( removing males , light, nutes, temps etc) will make it better than the weed it prolly came from....and plus it taste better after you care for it up to half a year lol


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Glad to see your flowering, the one on thr right looks like it will be quite a nice plant!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, only a matter of time. About the ferts id lay off them for a little bit. You dont want to add too much and burn it, water with regular h20 next time. And then maybe the time after or time after that hit it with more nutes.
Yeah man, only a matter of time. About the ferts id lay off them for a little bit. You dont want to add too much and burn it, water with regular h20 next time. And then maybe the time after or time after that hit it with more nutes.
Your def right! The biggest plant already started to have like 3 small ass burn dots on the largest leaves along with dryness and this was before I added the nutes,, I really thought it had gotten scratched cuz of dropping the lighting on it for a sec but turns out slight burns,, I guess I tried to flush it by filling the cup up with water and letting it all drain out a few times and put it back in case but I got to shut it down in 30min for its off cycle so I wish I woulda waited till morning to water but thought sooner the better,, the other plant is still going strong and the smallest is getting used to indoors. :dunce:
Haha its alright man, they will rebound for sure. Any new pics?
Heres a few,, I first fertilized the plants 8/14/09. Its been about 4 days since I first started these plants with nutes,, it has been 5 days since first flowering on 12/12 schedule,, I put them to bed at 7pm,, wake them up at 7am,, temps continue to run between 80 and 90 and humidity between 40 and 50. The order of the cups are different from last just by cups number 1 and 3,, 3 is the one with the little burns and the plant seems to be getting a little softer compared to yesterday when it seemed dried the fuck out anyway thanks for checking me out.


Well-Known Member
Wow the growth is incredible already, Im gonna be doing a pc grow too starting in september so ill be around here lots as youll be around the same schedule as me.
Wow the growth is incredible already, Im gonna be doing a pc grow too starting in september so ill be around here lots as youll be around the same schedule as me.
You better hurry up then and get them biches sprouting! being out of work sucks,, time goes go by to slow.