Lmaoooo. now..... That's a tough one. I had to sit and think before I responded to this.. while thinking of how to answer this , I realized there is no good way to answer this , or if there is ... I don't know it.. so I don't speak on behalf of my race , culture , tax bracket lol or whatever ... Just my opinion .
Now ... I'm going to be completely honest , so here goes ... Now if I'm watching this video with another black person , no big deal.. we both know what it is... Now for somebody of another race to see that .. or better yet someone from a different culture or upbringing , they can't understand. They just can't ... & I don't expect them to. Because unless u live that lifestyle or involved or interact with people like that regularly, u will never understand their mindstate.. this reminds me of an episode of the boondocks.. I'm messing the quote up but it went something like this "for years black people have known... n*ggaz is crazy.. we just don't like to speak about it in public because we think white people may be listening" now I admit , the video is pure ignorance ... Now y do we watch it ( well.. I don't , prob not since highschool) but we watch it purely for the aww factor .. kinda like watching when animals attack ... Bad referrence to compare blacks to animals, but I already wrote it , so f*k it.. now y do they have the need to put it on camera is what I don't understand.. its like they wanna get on tv to prove they the most gangsta person in the world... When really u just make yourself a target for ur enemies and the police .... Really I said all of this to say nothing ... I don't kno what point I'm trying to make , I guess all I can say is there could just have easily been a trailer park porno video put out or a hillbilly beastieality video (think I spelled that wrong , but ppl doing animals is what I'm referring to lol.) But no ... Black people don't only wanna do stupid and incriminating sh*t, but they gotta put on video too !! Idk, maybe I suffer from the same shit, I'm posting grow videos & shit , and that's not legal.. maybe a little less immoral tho.