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Lol I know that I dont put myself in the same categories as those people they are pretty dumb.. They live up to the stereotype of acting like animals but what most people don't realize is, if you put white people in the same environment you will get the same result. Meaning who ever grows up in the hood will have a hood mentality, its hard to shake once your around it, I have changed my lifestyle because I once was just like that. Now if you look into history you will see that blacks were made to be the way they are now, did you know more white people do drugs then black people but black people get arrested more for drug related crimes... Its just pure racism, the system has not changed one bit man whites were the ones who gave us guns and drugs knowing that it would destroy our communities. All in all I've come to realize that we have been made to act like animals with all the years of torment we went through as a people, all of our leaders were either killed or put in jails. They created niggas and we keep niggas alive lol, isnt it dumb we go around calling ourselves something that was meant to demean us. Things like that I don't do anymore I had to take myself away from all my friends cuz they are nothing but trouble. Black people need to wake up and stop being stupid we got all this black on black crime when we should really be retaliating against the people who did this to us lol. If I step up as a black leader I would be killed or put in jail.. thats the system for you shavashalom.Hey Sims, I have a question for you as a black man; what do you think about the people in videos like this: