Res change today peeps. Ive been sitting watching for the roots to grow like they do in my cloner and they just aint macking like they do in the cloner. Hmmm, Decided this morning im going to dump the nute batch and remix with plain water and a lil FF tigerbloom. That mix alone has produced excellent results in my cloner without phing or nothing. I think that i probably put them in the hydro a bit to soon but they should make it.
Since the res change new white root growth is evident and i think all is on track now. Hanna meter still fuct. I dont trust it now, so ive opted for cheap easy locally bought ph strips and calculating the feed on a low percentage of what the bottle recommends. Id really like to have the luxery of knowing by the push of a button like i tought i was going to be, but shit happens. I fuct the meter without even knowing it hehe. so sending it back for a replacement and hopefully a acurate one.
Nothing really to show off at the moment. Soil headbands are rally getting bushy. Very beautiful plants and smell fantastic. Dogs are trucking along aswell. like a bru of mine said they have some of the best parts from the mother/father which in this case a nice beefy structure and huge fan leaves. Nice branching and very sturdy plants.
I have plucked a few pre nanners no biggy. Im quite keen on spotting them after a few under me belt. All have show pistils and the manly days i think are behind these 2 strains under my care. Ive managed to keep them gorgeously green to this point which is an acheivement for me. Alot of people seem to think a plant needs to be feed massive doses of nutes to get them ticking when actually its quite the oppsosite. Yes plants do need nutes but go easy folks. Youll know when they arent getting enough by signs of def. Which IMHO is easier to fix than sever nute burn.
In the veg cab the grape apes timewarp and timewarp x romulan are coming right along. some bigger faster than others as im taking notes. Selection of the keepers is all inthe works the rest will get flowered along the hydro in just a few weeks if all goes as planned.
A few pics tommorow for shits and giggles.