1BMM's CAVE....


Well-Known Member
Been adding at a 8th to 1/4 of the recommended dose on the bottle per gallon. I also have some of the cleanest water in the us even though the ph of it is high. Maybe in the water hehe.

OHHH and to answer your re on the 600 for the canna carrot cake it was just a box mix with canna butter added with whipped cream cheese frosting mmmmm.

Today the wife made some turtle brownies with caramel and wallnuts very stoney zzzzz in fried hehe.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Res change today peeps. Ive been sitting watching for the roots to grow like they do in my cloner and they just aint macking like they do in the cloner. Hmmm, Decided this morning im going to dump the nute batch and remix with plain water and a lil FF tigerbloom. That mix alone has produced excellent results in my cloner without phing or nothing. I think that i probably put them in the hydro a bit to soon but they should make it.

Since the res change new white root growth is evident and i think all is on track now. Hanna meter still fuct. I dont trust it now, so ive opted for cheap easy locally bought ph strips and calculating the feed on a low percentage of what the bottle recommends. Id really like to have the luxery of knowing by the push of a button like i tought i was going to be, but shit happens. I fuct the meter without even knowing it hehe. so sending it back for a replacement and hopefully a acurate one.

Nothing really to show off at the moment. Soil headbands are rally getting bushy. Very beautiful plants and smell fantastic. Dogs are trucking along aswell. like a bru of mine said they have some of the best parts from the mother/father which in this case a nice beefy structure and huge fan leaves. Nice branching and very sturdy plants.

I have plucked a few pre nanners no biggy. Im quite keen on spotting them after a few under me belt. All have show pistils and the manly days i think are behind these 2 strains under my care. Ive managed to keep them gorgeously green to this point which is an acheivement for me. Alot of people seem to think a plant needs to be feed massive doses of nutes to get them ticking when actually its quite the oppsosite. Yes plants do need nutes but go easy folks. Youll know when they arent getting enough by signs of def. Which IMHO is easier to fix than sever nute burn.

In the veg cab the grape apes timewarp and timewarp x romulan are coming right along. some bigger faster than others as im taking notes. Selection of the keepers is all inthe works the rest will get flowered along the hydro in just a few weeks if all goes as planned.

A few pics tommorow for shits and giggles. :peace: 1BMM

thats the best way 2 do it imo work from the bottom up with week nutes building up. u'll soon be able to spot what the plant wants at various times in the cycle (well thats the theory any way lol)


Well-Known Member
Thanks ted. Havent had a finished run with the headband yet but im real eager too. Ive seen the finished product and it looks REALLY fkn good. cant wait to get a taste hehe.


Well-Known Member
Right, every thread I look at (especially the 600) someone is making cakes....ffs I need to get the wife told (she's the baker in the house - I cook everything else)....this lack of cakes is not acceptable in the DST household, hahaha. Have a good week pal....try not to put on too many calories!!



Well-Known Member
Same to you DST. Im loving the edibles for my joint pains. Man they really take the edge off after a brutal day on the jobsite hehe. LOL lack of cakes=Unacceptable. peace bru

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
A. i wish i could bake.
B. i wish i had a girl who could bake, well a girl would be a start i suppose lol.

i've got a few books gonna give it a go maby with some cannabutter, dont know if i got the balls to make it at my house, its supposed 2 stink aint it?


Well-Known Member
A. i wish i could bake.
B. i wish i had a girl who could bake, well a girl would be a start i suppose lol.

i've got a few books gonna give it a go maby with some cannabutter, dont know if i got the balls to make it at my house, its supposed 2 stink aint it?
It stinks a lot while simmering.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the butter process smells loudly from what my cuzzo told me. He made my butter this round as ive been way to busy. good ventilationd he says and a few good inscents and all is good.


Well-Known Member
Well peeps todays look into the cave is nothing to brag of. Something is hindering my root development withing the hydro dwc. I think the buckets may be getting to cold at night even with the lights on. Going to prop them off the floor tommorow on some insualtion foam and see from there. the roots are getting a red coating which i believe is from the hydroton particles.

Going to have to drain out the sytem again and flush clean the whole works to get the gunk from the grow media out. On a happy note ive got down the flood drain process with the use of a small pump so it now drains the garden in a matter of minutes to the main res. Make adjustments and pumps back to the garden in just a few minutes. :) the trials off learning this method of growing hehe.It all in fun.

:peace: 1BMM


Well-Known Member
The butter wreaks just like it tastes, at first it's wonderful but begins to kinda get disgusting.
My wife wont let me cook it in our house anymore as she felt it left a "tinge" on the last house.

What temps are your buckets at night? I run my buckets at 61* and have no issues at all and
my roots are very white. Not sure what temps your seeing but before you go to all that hassle
you should def make sure it's not something else? What kind of "gunk" are you having build up?
Do you know what your nute temps are during lights on?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input disposition. Temps are in ideal range during lights on. The only thing i can figure is that the buckets are getting a bit chill at late night, all in all the plants are hea;thy and alive they just aint popping roots like im used to seeing.

It could also be the glue that i used to seal all the plumbing connections to the buckets. Going to flush out the whole works again today and clean the system out really good and start over. Shit man i hate saying that but thats what ive gotta do i think.

Ive decided that im def going to grow some soil plants alongside the hydro alteast for this grow till i get a better handle on the whole thing. Sos sog it is instead of scrog hehe.


Well-Known Member
I had a problem with silicone hurting the plants before in DWC. After getting too excited about a broken root on my first DWC attempt and abandoning it, I did a single plant in a 2gal bucket and the silicone I used to hold the airstone to the bottom didn't fully cure before I put water in there and tried to grow a plant. it started off okay but slow for hydro and then the plant started looking funny and the growth got really stunted. I wasn't sure what was going on so asked around and dude from the hydro shop asked me if there was any silicone in the setup. Then he asked me if I let it fully cure so I checked and sure enough the silicone was still like a putty on the bottom of the stone and bucket. I moved the plant to a new bucket that had the stone just sitting in there by itself and the plant came back after only about a week.

Might check that out, or your glue. like you said.


Well-Known Member
ayy Dez my man. I used this stuff called gorilla glue which i a convinced is a the culprit. I noticed with last night on root inspection that all my new root growth is rotting.

Anyways heres my post from the 600 which explains all.

Well peeps ive been battling my first ever encounter of root rot. All my plants in the hydro dwc are thankfully makin a rapid recovery tonite thanks to good ole H202 and h20 hehe. I didnt rinse the hydroton before planting either which i regreted almost immediatley:wall: What a dumbsky lol. Well after a few hundred gallons off precious water :dunce: and feeling like a :dunce: lol the plants are now slime free and popping some fresh clean white root growth. Sos back on track but very much missing/regretting switching up from soil. Ohh wells it all in fun and hobby anyways lol.

A few pics from the cave.

Blue widow branch off the mother finally popping through the hydroton :razz: Most all the clones in here are rooting through nicely.

The roor rot didnt realy show any floiar signs other than ZERO growth. Not a fkn millimeter in a week or better.

Headbands whatching over the recovering yins.

Such caring mothers:bigjoint:

The lil seedlings showing whos the go getters of the lot. All started at the same time. Seems theres a few standouts already. In here the Timewarp Grape ape and Timewarp X Romulan. Im thinking im going to repot these seedlings and position them in between the dwc buckets and veg side by side for a week or 2. Take a clone from the keepers and flower the whole room.

And a batch off backup cuts rooted and healthy likely going into soil now going to fill this cave slap full and get some buds going again.




Well-Known Member
Sweet...I have neglected to take any pics of the roots on my autos but mean to,I promise I do, haha.


Well-Known Member
Glad you got things back on track. Well Masonman, I guess if you didn't try these things then you wouldn't satisfy your natural inquisitiveness, lol. Perhaps in the end you will be saying, why the fek did I ever do soil???

Have a good weekend lad,



Well-Known Member
Makin some hash ohh yeah..

Letting the mix settle. Think i may have mixed the ice and water a bit to much??? Well see in the morning :smile:

A few of the filling up cave.

Changed out the res today and back to feeding nutes in the hydro. My Timewarp, Timewarp X Romulan & Grape Ape seedlings got repotted today and im gonna veg everyhthing for 2 weeks take a few cuts from the keepers and flower. Cant wait for some of me own buds again.

:peace: 1BMM​