150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to see them lookin' beautiful!
Dude, your phone has a friggin' macro function. Don't act like you're better than it.
Just kidding haha.

Let's get some body shots eh?
They are beautiful huh? Im going to steal(borrow) my chicks badass camera and get some real good pictures..


Well-Known Member
Awesome, Happy Birthday man! Glad to see they finally look like buds! Your already half way through flowering, doesn't time fly?


Active Member
hey man, just stoppin' by to show some love for ur girls, they look purrrdy.. happy b-day brohamlet.. i'll roll up a j and toke for ya.. Love and peace, Joey Bozz


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday!
I'd smoke a bowl but all I have is some unflushed bud that I saved from a case of jar mold.
I still have to watercure it before I can smoke it,
so instead I'll just rip a fat Hashbowl!
(Just got back, and man I feel like I smoked a good bowl to myself. Just threw in my last little BB of hash on top of a piece of budstem, on top of ash. First hit was slow and peaceful, second hit the bigger hash chunk embered up so I had to sit there and kill it in one hit. That killed. Just had an effin' blast on my Cello, nice bowl.)

And hey man, you're never too old for a happy birth day.
Go enjoy yourself, get off the computer and have a blast.

Plants are lookin' lovely, tell them I love them next time you see them.
Can't wait until I start messin' around with Scrogs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the birthday wishes.. Back to business..
Day 71... Day 27 12/12... Let em dry out too much last night but looking good again this morning after their normal feeding of nutes... Got a new uv light to replace my broken one from the move. Lets see if the trichs start picking up. Got me a new android for my bday and i just figured out how to send the pics to my comp.. Enjoy!!



Well-Known Member
Day 72... 1 Month(halfway)... They seem to be sucking up the water fast. They were pretty thirsty on to their last feeding. I might bump up to every other day after tomorrow morning. Now let me see if I can figure out how to post pics lol... Nope... Too much thinkin. When I get home:)


Well-Known Member
Lots a Pics:)



Well-Known Member
Very stealthy, although the towel is obvious..

Looks great, what a way to wake up. I like your bin/scrog job, looks so tidy.


Well-Known Member
Honestly the blanket is uesd to clean up water spills lol. The box is in an extra empty room so it stands out anyway but no one goes in there.
My partner wants to frame the closet door up where ill be growing next. The master closet sits right next to the one ill be growing in on the other side of the wall so were are going to make a secret door from his closet to the grow coloset. It will be cool!!!


Well-Known Member
I see. Do you live in an apartment or split rent?
That closet idea needs some background.
Sounds exciting.


Well-Known Member
No i dont live with him. He lives close to my house and is willing to take the risk of getting caught for half the weed. Ive known him for 9+ years so i trust him. Plus he goes to work at 5am and i do my stuff at 6am so we dont get sick of each other. Ill post some pics when i get around to building the closet..