150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow


Well-Known Member
It will be a while.. Can you imagine a mass exodus from the jails on the day weed is legal? So many jails will shut down and so many gaurds will lose their jobs. Drug testing companies will go out of business. There will be no need for the ''War on Drugs'' so all of those enforcement officers will be out of work. Oh well!!! I want my DAMN WEED lol..


Well-Known Member
yeah buddy good luck thats an awesome opportunity im sure you will do well and make plenty of bank while your at it!


Active Member
It will be a while.. Can you imagine a mass exodus from the jails on the day weed is legal? So many jails will shut down and so many gaurds will lose their jobs. Drug testing companies will go out of business. There will be no need for the ''War on Drugs'' so all of those enforcement officers will be out of work. Oh well!!! I want my DAMN WEED lol..
It'd have to be a gradual thing and I doubt it'll ever be fully legal here. The most that'd be practical to hope for is federal decriminalization below a certain amount, then states choosing their own medical/recreational laws. I actually think it'd help a lot of LEO by freeing up their time to go after real criminals haha. Maybe then all the other crime rates would decline bc the resources could be allocated towards combatting them more effectively/efficiently. Drug testing companies and the drug enforcement network could shift their focus to research and helping people instead of causing problems for everyone. Ah that'd be a nice world to live in, hope to see it one day but I won't hold my breath.


Well-Known Member
Decriminalizing it not a good solution. It is better than what we have we now, but it doesnt solve the underground market including the mexican cartels. It still gives way to the gateway theory meaning drug dealers also sell hard drugs. Dealers dont care what age a kids is who is trying to buy some. People are still gonna be punished for a non violent crime. The government is missing out on the potential billions in tax revenues. I can go on and on. It needs to be regulated like beer and cigs. You are right though in that we are far from that happening. I think the benefits far out weight the negatives to legalization. The day it becomes legal im investing in nutrient companies lol.


Active Member
Yeah, I definitely think decriminalization isn't ideal, but I don't see anything more than that happening for a while. They aren't only missing out on tax money, if it were legalized then a lot more people would build things to code and that'd mean more money getting pumped into the economy as well. Haha nutrient companies, lighting companies, soil producers, hydro stores, hardware stores, they'd all benefit hugely. Think of how many people smoke but don't grow simply bc it isn't legal. Make it legal and even if only 5% decided to start growing there own, that'd be massive amounts of money being spent. The whole thing frustrates me to no end.


Well-Known Member
Man, I love this debate Lol..........
There will ALWAYS be need for DT companies, and the DEA. ALWAYS!
The black market is run by niggas(regardless of race).....all niggas want, is money. Even if weed was legalized it wouldn't matter. Niggas wouldn't be selling weed anymore, but lets face it....if you know how to get a hold of weed weight, you more than likely know where to get a little, money making soft weight, or if anything, pill quantities. That being said, even if a nigga can't make money off of weed, he's gonna make money off of something else, especially if he knows where to get it. Drugs will always be a problem, they're too easy to create.

I feel like we're getting real close to the legalization, or to the least de-criminalization of marijuana. Imo, it's gonna happen with our next president.....which hopefully will be in '12. I could be wrong, but growing up all the way till I was about 19 I didn't hear a word about weed. Probably the only thing I ever saw on tv was a kid dropping a joint out of his pocket in front of his parents and them flipping out. Now it's all you hear about. President Candidate Ron Paul from Texas wants it legalized, NORML is getting more publicized....more people are getting pissed off. Call me stupid, but it went from nothing to everybody realizing how dumb our government thinks we are in about 2-4 years...I'd say it's gonna happen soon.

Sorry for the ramble....first high of the day. √

Your plants are looking great son!


Well-Known Member
Man, I love this debate Lol..........
There will ALWAYS be need for DT companies, and the DEA. ALWAYS!
The black market is run by niggas(regardless of race).....all niggas want, is money. Even if weed was legalized it wouldn't matter. Niggas wouldn't be selling weed anymore, but lets face it....if you know how to get a hold of weed weight, you more than likely know where to get a little, money making soft weight, or if anything, pill quantities. That being said, even if a nigga can't make money off of weed, he's gonna make money off of something else, especially if he knows where to get it. Drugs will always be a problem, they're too easy to create.

I feel like we're getting real close to the legalization, or to the least de-criminalization of marijuana. Imo, it's gonna happen with our next president.....which hopefully will be in '12. I could be wrong, but growing up all the way till I was about 19 I didn't hear a word about weed. Probably the only thing I ever saw on tv was a kid dropping a joint out of his pocket in front of his parents and them flipping out. Now it's all you hear about. President Candidate Ron Paul from Texas wants it legalized, NORML is getting more publicized....more people are getting pissed off. Call me stupid, but it went from nothing to everybody realizing how dumb our government thinks we are in about 2-4 years...I'd say it's gonna happen soon.

Sorry for the ramble....first high of the day. √

Your plants are looking great son!
Drug tests are not usefull against other drugs unless you go for hair samples which are too expensive for jobs or schools. Drug testing would be a waste of money since most of them are undetectable after three days. In Canada the drug budget per year is something like 500 million i think. 4/5 of that is used for nothing but weed busts, prosecutions, and paying salaries. Take away weed and the need for the dea is all but gone. Thats in canada which is nowhere near the USA. Weed is poplular cause its not really a drug. Even if it was legal there wouldnt be a crazy rise in say meth or coke so even though cartels could get it there wouldnt be an increase in demand. I get what your saying though. Criminals will be criminals unfortunately.

Im voting for Ron but he wont win. Maybe when our kids are our age. I dont see it happening soon cause during the next presidency we will still have the same old farts with old ideas in the house and senate making the rules. The prez is just 1 sec of the the governmet and doesnt run shit. The people dont really matter either. Look at Michigan for example.. The people of Michigan voted med weed in yet the state is saying no. There is too much opposition and until we do away with lobbyists(cough big pharma, DT companies, prison gaurd unions, beer and cig companies, on and on cough) paying off people in government to keep it illegal we are doomed. Id be a part of norml but 35 a month is what i pay in distilled water to water my girls and thats the base fee to be in norml lol.


Well-Known Member
21 more days till chop time. Its going to be tough to not get a taste. Still contemplating on my flush/drying/curing process. I think im going to try the root drowning process.


Well-Known Member
sounds good if you ask me, experimenting is the way to go..right now im still pretty upset with my shit but i got 6 bagseeds germing right now


Well-Known Member
I want to do the root drowning method cause it makes the curing process alot faster. Im going to leave the roots soaked in water for their last 7 days. My question is should i nute them in the water they will be sitting in? I think thats what im supposed to do. How are you going to grow your new seedlings?


Well-Known Member
right now they are in party cups, in a 3 parts perlite 1 part vermiculite 1 part worm castings mix..its nice and airy but still holds moisture pretty well. Tomorrow im going to buy myself a 6ft storage locker with adjustable shelving and 4 t5 lamps, going to make a dual level grow box to veg and flower them in while i rework my current box to, its just to small and costing me to much money running the A/C like i am just to keep it cool. Might turn it into a scrog box and fill it with CFLs or something


Well-Known Member
I want to do the root drowning method cause it makes the curing process alot faster. Im going to leave the roots soaked in water for their last 7 days. My question is should i nute them in the water they will be sitting in? I think thats what im supposed to do. How are you going to grow your new seedlings?
Definitely just use water......boiling water works great too! I cut my drowning time from about 12 days to about 5-7 days from using the boiling water method √


Well-Known Member
Definitely just use water......boiling water works great too! I cut my drowning time from about 12 days to about 5-7 days from using the boiling water method √
Hey psychild.. I would just pm you but since the drowning method is rather new can you explain exactly how you did it for anyone reading(and me) please. I read about why it works over on that other site but not exactly how its done as far as nute scheduling and such. I get you submerge them for 5-7 days in boiling water but how exactly do you do it?


Well-Known Member
Id like to know as well, im going to look into this now..first ive heard of using boiling water on a plant


Well-Known Member
Ya it has to do with the plants breaking down sugars for oxygen because they are suffocated under water. Basically the same thing the they do while curing. Im not sure why boiling water though. Maybe psychild will fill us in.


Well-Known Member
Hey psychild.. I would just pm you but since the drowning method is rather new can you explain exactly how you did it for anyone reading(and me) please. I read about why it works over on that other site but not exactly how its done as far as nute scheduling and such. I get you submerge them for 5-7 days in boiling water but how exactly do you do it?
Most definitely....sorry I didn't explain this a little better earlier.

Keep your nute schedule as usual....I remember us talking earlier in the thread and I'm pretty sure you came to the verdict that you were only going to give them just water for the last week, instead of 2. Do just that....feed them all the way up to your last week. Riddle says in his "nuggets" that for the drowning process to work your plant needs to be full of N, which is why you feed it so late. He also says, if I remember right, that it should take about 5-7 days. This is very possible, but in my experience way to quick. With regular water it took one of my plants about 12-15 days to drown, and be ready for her trim and cure. However Riddle also suggests using boiling water, as this scorches the roots and kills them much faster. I myself like this method because my second plant ended up only needing to drown for about 5-7 days. Keep in mind that I only hit her once with boiling water, and I just kept adding a little bit of water as needed. During the first few days your plant will do everything in her power to suck up that water, and make it possible to breath again, but if you just keep hitting her with boiling water and suffocating her you will be just fine. √ I'm not sure of the scientifical aspect of this method, but I do know I didn't need to dry either of my plants after the drown. All I did was trim them up and throw them in a jar. Hope this helps, if you have any questions I'll try and drop by later on today. √

edit: Next time I drowned I'll hit her with boiling water, and top her off everyday with boiling water as well. Your plant will begin to wreak much much worse than it already has, so if stealth is an issue this might not be a good idea.