150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow


Well-Known Member
Most definitely....sorry I didn't explain this a little better earlier.

Keep your nute schedule as usual....I remember us talking earlier in the thread and I'm pretty sure you came to the verdict that you were only going to give them just water for the last week, instead of 2. Do just that....feed them all the way up to your last week. Riddle says in his "nuggets" that for the drowning process to work your plant needs to be full of N, which is why you feed it so late. He also says, if I remember right, that it should take about 5-7 days. This is very possible, but in my experience way to quick. With regular water it took one of my plants about 12-15 days to drown, and be ready for her trim and cure. However Riddle also suggests using boiling water, as this scorches the roots and kills them much faster. I myself like this method because my second plant ended up only needing to drown for about 5-7 days. Keep in mind that I only hit her once with boiling water, and I just kept adding a little bit of water as needed. During the first few days your plant will do everything in her power to suck up that water, and make it possible to breath again, but if you just keep hitting her with boiling water and suffocating her you will be just fine. √ I'm not sure of the scientifical aspect of this method, but I do know I didn't need to dry either of my plants after the drown. All I did was trim them up and throw them in a jar. Hope this helps, if you have any questions I'll try and drop by later on today. √

edit: Next time I drowned I'll hit her with boiling water, and top her off everyday with boiling water as well. Your plant will begin to wreak much much worse than it already has, so if stealth is an issue this might not be a good idea.
Awesome man!! Thats exactly what i was looking for. I read the nuggets but must have missed the ''how to'' part. Id rep ya but i dont know how lol. So when do you decide when to start the boil? As in trichrome color..


Well-Known Member
I didn't have a scope wheb I did it, but id probably say 50/50 cloudy clear to 100% cloudy...just to give it some time to mature during the ferment


Well-Known Member
Day doomsday!!!! Well guys my ''partner'' or his brother set the ac to 82 sometime after i watered them 3 days ago. Yesterday i went to check them and decided to water them a day earlier. There isnt a probe for the ac in the room the box is in so it got up to 95 making the inside box temp 104. The ac was not supposed to be moved from 72. Needless to say they dried up in a day and a half and are pretty much dead. Theres no point in saving them at this point cause the stems are all bent over laying on the screen. I watered them good yesterday but today they looked the same if not worse. Im not going to be able to smoke anyway so im not curing them. This was just a sense of accomplishment thing. I just unplugged the box and said if he wants to try to dry them out and smoke them he can but he probably wont get too high. Id be really pissed if i was planning to smoke them but oh well. Im either going to try to sell the box or part it out. This shall be the end of this journal. Thanks to all that watched and im sorry there is no climax. At least i know i can grow given no outside influences:) Ill still be lurking around though.....


Active Member
Damn, that really sucks man. Sorry they weren't able to make it through the heat, gl on parting out the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dude, no.
I can't believe that just happened.

I really liked your style of gardening..
It sucks that you lost some spirit, but quitting now isn't the way to go about it!
Sleep on it for a few days.

You could start up again with no partner, and just yourself.
Do it for a hobby, and donate it if you really don't want it.

But like I said, sleep on it.
Do you have a non-cannabis garden?


Well-Known Member
damn bro, hate to see you go, really enjoyed this journal and all your helpful advice. How much u want for your box?


Well-Known Member
They are looking pretty tasty but a recent turn of events might make it less enjoyable for me in the end. Ive come to the realization that i need to make mo money cause i have two kiddos(9 and 4) that are growing up fast and an opportunity to make 100k a year has come up and i cant turn it down seeing that i make 2400 a month now in a warehouse at night which is miserable and not worth the money. Its back in the oilfield which is the only trade i know that makes money. That means random drug tests and this job involves me working two weeks on and one week off out of state in Pennsylvania. Its been a week since ive smoked so by the time my system is clean they should be ready to chop and then ill probably have to go and let one of my friends dry it and cure it. This is not set in stone yet but ive already made my mind up so unless something out of my control happens this will have been my first and last grow. Not forever though cause my plan is to do this for two or three years saving money and then invest in my own company. Then ill be back at it cause i will always be a pothead at heart and this has been one of the most enjoyable things ive done:)
I posted this 8 days ago incase you missed it. Thats why i cant grow again. Believe me i would if i could:) No i dont have a garden. I would but here in texas its been 147 degrees everyday for the last 6 years it seems. Im not sure if id be on it enough to water 3 times a day. For weed i would but not a tomater lol. So for now my plans will be put on hold. I dont have anywhere to grow at my house, the ac cant keep it under 85, i got kids(my chicks thing), and too many people come over or i would have grown here. Ill be back at it after i make some money though. Appreciate the kind words:)


Well-Known Member
damn bro, hate to see you go, really enjoyed this journal and all your helpful advice. How much u want for your box?
I have no idea man. The equipment in the box is probably worth 300 dollars.. 120 for fan and carbon filter, 30 for speed controller, 100 for light, 40 for uv light, 20 for the intake fan, and im sure there are other things like the circulation fans and stuff but id probably sell it for 275 or something like that. Just to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea man. The equipment in the box is probably worth 300 dollars.. 120 for fan and carbon filter, 30 for speed controller, 100 for light, 40 for uv light, 20 for the intake fan, and im sure there are other things like the circulation fans and stuff but id probably sell it for 275 or something like that. Just to get rid of it.
Hold on to it! I'm coming to Dallas the first weekend of October, I'll buy it from you!
Tell your friend to trim them and throw them in jars, even if it's shitty. I promise, It will still blow his mind away √ I have some Sativas that I've pulled at like 7-8 weeks and they still did pretty well. It wasn't a couch lock, but the high was still great! Even if they're completely dried out, you'd be surprised how much a cure can help. I hope you can stick with growing man, I know you could make some decent side money off of it ;) But either way, stick to tomatoes at the least Lol. Good luck man! Pm me your phone number or e-mail and we can discuss equipment if you do happen to want to get rid of it. √


Well-Known Member
Aww man thats sad ):
I would keep all your stuff.. For when you get back into it.

good luck at your new job!
let us know!


Well-Known Member
Oh dude that's way better, a $100k job is better than most of us can dream for.
I'm glad you're going to make some money bro, it's a good thing.

Are you serious on 147? Because I thought the world record heat was like 136 in death valley.
Headed to google now, at least keep coming to this thread to talk to us, eh?

Each state's high temperature record

As you would expect, the highest statewide records are from desert locations in California, Arizona and Nevada.
The coolest two statewide high records, shown here, aren't as obvious. Alaska in the far north and Rhode Island, with no part of the state far from the cool Atlantic, are no surprises.
But tropical Hawaii, with the same high record as Alaska, isn't as obvious. Credit the ocean. Even in the tropics, ocean waters stay cooler than land. Almost all of Hawaii is cooled to some extent by ocean breezes.
The complete list of state records below shows that the Plains states, far away from the ocean, can be hotter than the humid Southeast.
The USA's highest temperature, 134° on July 10, 1913 in Death Valley, Calif., is also the official highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere.
Ordinary summer heat makes much of the Southwest, including Death Valley, sizzle from June through August. But, Death Valley's unique geography turns this hot weather into extreme heat. Winds off the higher surrounding land, known as the Great Basin, often blow hot, dry air thousands of feet down into the long, narrow valley, which is 282 feet below sea level.
As the air moves downhill it encounters increasing atmospheric pressure, which squeezes the air, warming it at a rate of 5.5° for every 1,000-foot drop in elevation. Some of the mountain ranges around Death Valley are 7,000 - 9,000 feet high, and the surrounding land between the ranges is 4,000 - 5,000 feet above sea level, which means the air can warm at least 20-25° by the time it reaches the bottom of the valley.
In addition, the steep walls of the valley heat up and radiate that heat back into the valley, causing the already hot air to grow even hotter. July's average high in Death Valley is 115°, but nearly every year the temperature reaches 125°, or higher.
USATODAY.com has been reporting each day's high and low temperature in the USA since we began in April 1995. Our extremes archive will let you follow the ups and downs of each season's highs and lows. (Related item: Temperature extremes archive)

The world's highest official temperature is 136° recorded at El Azizia, Libya, on Sept. 13, 1922.
Not everyone agrees that the Death Valley and El Azizia records are valid. Some meteorologists say that a sandstorm was going on at the time 134° was measured at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley and that very hot sand and dust could have hit the thermometer inside its shelter, pushing its measurement higher than the actual temperature of the air. The Weather and Climate Extremes booklet published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has more information on these and other records


Well-Known Member
Oh dude that's way better, a $100k job is better than most of us can dream for.
I'm glad you're going to make some money bro, it's a good thing.

Are you serious on 147? Because I thought the world record heat was like 136 in death valley.
Headed to google now, at least keep coming to this thread to talk to us, eh?

Each state's high temperature record

As you would expect, the highest statewide records are from desert locations in California, Arizona and Nevada.
The coolest two statewide high records, shown here, aren't as obvious. Alaska in the far north and Rhode Island, with no part of the state far from the cool Atlantic, are no surprises.
But tropical Hawaii, with the same high record as Alaska, isn't as obvious. Credit the ocean. Even in the tropics, ocean waters stay cooler than land. Almost all of Hawaii is cooled to some extent by ocean breezes.
The complete list of state records below shows that the Plains states, far away from the ocean, can be hotter than the humid Southeast.
The USA's highest temperature, 134° on July 10, 1913 in Death Valley, Calif., is also the official highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere.
Ordinary summer heat makes much of the Southwest, including Death Valley, sizzle from June through August. But, Death Valley's unique geography turns this hot weather into extreme heat. Winds off the higher surrounding land, known as the Great Basin, often blow hot, dry air thousands of feet down into the long, narrow valley, which is 282 feet below sea level.
As the air moves downhill it encounters increasing atmospheric pressure, which squeezes the air, warming it at a rate of 5.5° for every 1,000-foot drop in elevation. Some of the mountain ranges around Death Valley are 7,000 - 9,000 feet high, and the surrounding land between the ranges is 4,000 - 5,000 feet above sea level, which means the air can warm at least 20-25° by the time it reaches the bottom of the valley.
In addition, the steep walls of the valley heat up and radiate that heat back into the valley, causing the already hot air to grow even hotter. July's average high in Death Valley is 115°, but nearly every year the temperature reaches 125°, or higher.
USATODAY.com has been reporting each day's high and low temperature in the USA since we began in April 1995. Our extremes archive will let you follow the ups and downs of each season's highs and lows. (Related item: Temperature extremes archive)

The world's highest official temperature is 136° recorded at El Azizia, Libya, on Sept. 13, 1922.
Not everyone agrees that the Death Valley and El Azizia records are valid. Some meteorologists say that a sandstorm was going on at the time 134° was measured at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley and that very hot sand and dust could have hit the thermometer inside its shelter, pushing its measurement higher than the actual temperature of the air. The Weather and Climate Extremes booklet published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has more information on these and other records
Ya i was just fucking around about the temp. It was like 109 but when its over 100 its just fucking hot lol. Screw 136!! I wouldnt even go there to put a thermometer.

This job is a good opportunity but its gonna suck balls. Ill be out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of nasty dudes for months on end working 12 hour shifts (probably at night) living in trailers. Pretty much like jail minus the fear of dropping the soap(i hope). I could come home after 2 months and get a call 4 days later to go somewhere else. BUT i get paid a 50k salary regardless if im working or not plus 250 a day for every day im working and the job is easy. Its called an MWD engineer which stands for ''measure while drilling'' but in the field it stands for ''movie watching driller'' cause you just sit in a trailer and do reports every hour and watch movies lol. Should have gone to college though:(


Well-Known Member
Aww man thats sad ):
I would keep all your stuff.. For when you get back into it.

good luck at your new job!
let us know!
I would but i dont have anywhere to store it and when i get back to growing in a couple years im going bigger. Thanks for the luck:)


Well-Known Member
your burning out to PA right? for an oil rigging job?
PA for now i think but only cause thats the area blowing up. You never really know where you are going to go. If you look at a posting for a job it says USA instead of a city and MUST BE ABLE TO TRAVEL 24/7 lol. Hey at least ill get to see the country. Never really been anywhere cool other than Pensacola. I could wind up back in TX in a year or so.


Well-Known Member
Hit up the west coast/ Pacific NorthWest.
It's so unbelievably beautiful around here.
Seriously if you're bored, you smoke with friends and hike through nature.


Well-Known Member
Ya it should be in my sig but I think the title is 600w C99 organic scrog.. I'm bout to post some new pics cause I'm bored so it should be up there..