14 Chances to Win x5 Phoenix Seeds - Vault Promo

Got my fingers crossed for some fems


Hello people of RollItUp,

Phoenix Seeds Promo Alert! Like and Comment to Enter! Your chance to win upto 14 packs of x5 Phoenix Seeds! Entry details are in the blog post, Facebook & Grasscity.

Up for grabs on RollItUp are: (4 prizes of)...

Blueberry Fems – x5 RIU

White Widow Fems – x5 RIU

AK27 Express Autos – x5 RIU

Haze Express Autos – x5 RIU


WInners Announced Friday 31st August.

Good Luck from #TeamVault

Legal Disclaimer: The competition winners will have their prizes sent to them via recorded delivery. If you win the competition but don’t receive your prize, we cannot resend competition prizes, so you’ll have to raise this with your local delivery service (In the UK, for example, this would be Royal Mail).

Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries and some remote, less enlightened planets outside the core systems. It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

#cannabis #cannabisseeds

Hello people of RollItUp,

Phoenix Seeds Promo Alert! Like and Comment to Enter! Your chance to win upto 14 packs of x5 Phoenix Seeds! Entry details are in the blog post, Facebook & Grasscity.

Up for grabs on RollItUp are: (4 prizes of)...

Blueberry Fems – x5 RIU

White Widow Fems – x5 RIU

AK27 Express Autos – x5 RIU

Haze Express Autos – x5 RIU


WInners Announced Friday 31st August.

Good Luck from #TeamVault

Legal Disclaimer: The competition winners will have their prizes sent to them via recorded delivery. If you win the competition but don’t receive your prize, we cannot resend competition prizes, so you’ll have to raise this with your local delivery service (In the UK, for example, this would be Royal Mail).

Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries and some remote, less enlightened planets outside the core systems. It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

#cannabis #cannabisseeds
Yeah buddy