12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
do u guys remember those sprouts i started earlier this week? well they are all doing good... some a lil slower than others, but regardless... they are all still alive and kicking ass... i ripped apart my micro box for all the parts in it, so this weekend is going to be pretty busy... alot of building shit and getting everything ready for round two... which should be alot more rewarding... if all goes rite... but yeah, here are my new sprouts... seems like i will have a variety of strains... the more the variety the better...



Well-Known Member
i also supercropped one of those sprouts this morning on accident... it fell off the shelf and bent the stem in a "L" shape... i guess it should make it stronger... i really need to get some fans going on in the new box... they will survive till tuesday for sure in the enviroment they are in now, so sunday and monday will be crucial to get shit done...


Well-Known Member
THOSE R LOOKIN BAD, u need to drop that light a bunch, bury them deeper, that 1 is light a damn street lamp!! MICRO hit me up man.


Well-Known Member
so what do you guys think of my trimming job? it was my first time to ever trim, so any pointers will be taken into consideration... anyways, i guess i will just post drying and curing piks till smoking it... i think this thanksgiving is gonna be fucking sweet...


Well-Known Member
its fine that they are stretching.. i am putting them in 20oz bottles over the weekend... i am working on making like a hydro soil system... a drain reservoir and a food res. its hard for me to explain what i am talking about, but as soon as i get shit going i will be sure to post piks... but yeah strtching is fine... those cups are like 3 inches tall... the bottles i will be using are vitamin water bottles... they are alot taller... they are 7.5" tall, so all the stretching will be buried up till the first node... just trust me on this... i havent really had time to get what i want done, or the supplies for that matter... this weekend will be the one...


Active Member
woooooooooo i like. i think you'll be gettin like 1 gram when it dries. btw im a fan of the J.O.B.s zig zags are a close second


Well-Known Member
yeah... that is what i am figuring... maybe a gram and a half... who knows... j.o.b. crystals are good... zig zags are my fav.. just a lil pricey compared to the 99 cent JOB's...

grow space

Well-Known Member
nice harvest mate...how many lamps did u use, and dont you think that you would could have leave those bud a lil longer..?

Anyway, great job...keep up the splendid work...


Well-Known Member
i could have let them go longer, but i wanted to smoke on thaksgiving and also i needed the fans and light sockets and lights for my new grow... now i have a newb grow under my belt and plan on doing alot better (yeild) next time around... i dont know if you were referring to lamps as bulbs, but i had any where from 1 x 13w cfl, all the way to 68 watts of cfl... i pretty much added lights to this grow as it went... until i reached my limit in my box (due to space) and couldnt get any more without the temps being sky high...
personally if i didnt have this next grow i wanted to get going rite, then i would have waited prolly 2 more weeks for harvest, but like i said... i needed the shit i was using for this for something else... thanks for the comment and i shall stay green for life...


Well-Known Member
Everything is lookin good man, perfect trimming job, you did just fine, she is going to treat you good, looks like a really bomb smoke.

Sprouts look good, lookin forward to everything


Well-Known Member
yeah me too... i'm not really sure if i am going to journalize the beggining if my grow, rather till shits poppin and looking good... i think the early phases are actually a lil boring... at least until you can top and fim and all that crazy shit... basically till they get about 6 nodes... then they start getting fun... i am also prolly gonna go ahead and put my veg lights on a timer... i figure they are healthy enough for 18/6.... something i have never done during veg, but i am really curious to what visual dif it will make... i am also considering putting about a good 4 inch layer of soil in the bottom of my rubbermaid and cuting the bottom of my bottles so the roots can grow out of the bottle and use the soil bed to root in as well... who knows man... i guess this is why i am so interested in growing... the possibilities are infinite...


Well-Known Member
you never did 18/6? you will notice a big diffrence, usualy 24/0 is done maybe a week or until there above soil and doing good, a plant dosnt have to healthy to be on 18/6, some say the 24/0 can cause some stress. Its good to let the plants rest. Im gonna go something similar with my party cups, i think i explained in my thread but im going to use three cups, to give the roots some more room


Well-Known Member
yeah, i think i read that in your thread... i only have 1 timer, so it was previously used in my flower box...now since that box is freed up and taken apart, i will prolly put the timer in there tonite.... i need a way to keep the lights off during the day anyways... i got home the other nite and my chick was like "my mom wants to know why there was a big light on in the closet..." i was like, why the fuck did you let her in the room... better yet, what the fuck was she doing in that room... it is a spare room that we use for storage... regardless, my chick needs to be a lil more careful about who she lets in there... good thing her mom was pretty ignorant to the ways of growing... it could have been real bad... i guess i will just have to put a lock on that room and the closet...


Well-Known Member
i think if i could get like a 200 dollar "growers grant" i could be doing exactly what i want with my grow... who knows, i mite end up getting a loan sometime this year to finance what i need... lol... that would be cool.. like being sponsored, cept i gotta pay it back at some point... maybe that is a shitty idea thinking about all the interest i would have to pay back... alright, ex nay on the loan... i'll just do it how i am doing it, and slowly upgrade as i grow to accomadate my needs...


Well-Known Member
i think if i could get like a 200 dollar "growers grant" i could be doing exactly what i want with my grow... who knows, i mite end up getting a loan sometime this year to finance what i need... lol... that would be cool.. like being sponsored, cept i gotta pay it back at some point... maybe that is a shitty idea thinking about all the interest i would have to pay back... alright, ex nay on the loan... i'll just do it how i am doing it, and slowly upgrade as i grow to accomadate my needs...
that may be the way to go, start taking money and your hobby has a very good chance of becoming a business


Well-Known Member
true, but i think if it gets to that point (being commercial), i will lose interest because i would have to meet the supply and demand... i would rather just grow big for me... i have smoked a pound of schwag in a week one time... it was awesome.. i worked with my brother at the time and told him i was going on strike... it was really just a way for me to sit at home and get hella blazed... i was throwin a whole zone in every batch of brownies i made... seeds and all.. i pretended that they were those lil crackly things in rice crispy treats... got hella high.. i like to eat weed, i just dont really have enough to eat on here lately... i think if i got a pound in yeild, i would def cook a whole zone of some dank in some dank ass brownies... i go over board with it... sprinkles, powderd sugar, icing... the whole nine yards... and cant forget the couple gallons of milk it is gonna take to cure the cotton mouth syndrome i get when i get blitzed by brownies...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3391231]you never did 18/6? you will notice a big diffrence, usualy 24/0 is done maybe a week or until there above soil and doing good, a plant dosnt have to healthy to be on 18/6, some say the 24/0 can cause some stress. Its good to let the plants rest. Im gonna go something similar with my party cups, i think i explained in my thread but im going to use three cups, to give the roots some more room[/QUOTE]

I've read a couple research papers that suggest 20/4 is actually optimal.


Well-Known Member
well i am trying out 18/6 this go round and your way the next bud weaver... updates up shortly... day 2 drying piks and all my sprouts... i got a mutant i wanna see if you guys have seen before...