12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
hey micro...just wondering, how come u are growing in a pc case? looks like u have light coming out and if thats not a problem can u just grow in a closet?


Well-Known Member
i have another closet to grow in... that is where my new setup is and will be... i still use the closet i have my micro grow in... i lean some card board over the case to protect it from light coming in... that way that closet is still completely functionable and nobody sees a big ass grow going on in my closet when they come in my room... however.. i have a big house with alot of rooms and closets... so i can have something big going on the closets of the rooms not being used... semi stealthiness...


Well-Known Member
skunkybud.. were you referring to my avatar? or just new pik updates of the plant itself? if it is the piks of the plant itself, then they will be up tomorrow.. if it is the avatar, then the place i build my gifs was down when i tried updating it... so i simply picked my best looking pikture...


Well-Known Member
just picked up a 30x jewelers loop and a pocket scope with 60x to 100x zoom... plus it has a little lite on it to amplify the trichs i guess... i am going to try to figure out a way to take piks with one of these... any progress on these piks will be posted tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
this thread is pretty slow tonite... people must be getting really stoned... lol... guess i will be back tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
lets see... the new pk update will include sproutling piks, size comparison of plant... plenty of pictures and and some fun with my lil libre homie... give me aqbout 15 min...


Well-Known Member
so yeah, forgot to take piks over he weekend, but i think i made up for that last night... lets see what ya'll think about them... i also tried taking piks with both scopes... no luck with the 60-100x scope... jewelers scope pretty good for some pictures... enough of this... let the photos speak for them selves...

pic 1 through 16 are the bud shots and some macro closeups...

pics 17 through 21 are me attempting to take piks with the jewelers loop 30x...

pics 22 through 24 are a size comparison to my hand... the top cola is a bout 3 fingers tall... and i got big gardening hands... lol...

anyways... gotta do some shit at work... i will post some more piks in a lil bit... lets just say they involve some mexican wrestling and 1 big "challenge"...

also will be posting piks of my sprouts in a sec... looking like i got a strong indica (fingers crossed..._



Well-Known Member
does look like mostly milky trics - those are pretty good pics - tric pictures are not that easy, takes a bit of work


Well-Known Member
i personally think the sativa got the best of the libre... i mean who could destroy a bush so big.... well lets just call it a tie, because really... what stoners enjoy drug abuse? lol... btw, he is my micro gardener... oh shit the secret is out... to hav that small of plants, you have to have a mini libre gardener...



Well-Known Member
took these last nite... they were looking a-1 this morning.. ALL six have sprouted and are beginining to stretch... which is fine with me because when i repot them, i will burrey deep... all the way up to the cotetyldons or how ever you spell those firts round leaves.. i think that was it...
furthermore, here they are...



Well-Known Member
yeah every trich i captured was milky... however, i do have some amber trichs on my leaves i couldnt capture with the camera... my bitch is being a fucking cunt about the computer... hopefully i will have some harvest day piks up... however, they may be after the harvest.. i really am going to try to get picks up tomorrow and friday morning.. i really want to show off my first trim job.... even if it isnt a bunc of trimming... no one said anything else about my question concerning "to trim or not to trim..." so still waiting on some answers....


Active Member
way to hijack a thread man, you can be a thug when no one is face to face with you... but i bet your jsut a pussy!

nice pice micro, looking good.


i think what he was reffering to leaving the trim leaves on for the cure and not cut them off at all or trimming directly after harvest. if the leaves get cured with the bud, will they have the same flavor as the bud? this is somethin i was wondering myself.


Active Member
micro man u did a sweet job on your first grow. looks like its prime time to havest, if you are looking for a couch glue high try keeping them warm while curing, it will break down the thc into canbaniods that will give you more of a down high. maybe 85-87 should darken it up just a bit for ya. and that one tall seedling looks just like my indica did when it sprouted.