12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
yeah man... i will be harvesting tomorrow nite, so i guess my time fram sorta worked out... damn those sativa's and those white haired pistils... as long as my trichs are changing rite? 80% cloudy/milky and about 20% amber... your rite... now seems like the time i should cut... and boy will it be enjoyable... i am still busy sorta just working on future grow designs and boxes... my homies says i will enjoy the hell out that 1.5 of a nug...lol... we will see... i am just glad i made it through my first succesful grow... big or little... you learn just the same... thanks homies for checking up on it.... i will have some pre harvest piks for ya tomorrow, then harvest piks will be up friday... i dont have a scale, so there will be no wet weight available... i doubt i even get a dry weight due to no scale... i do assume it will be a lil over a gram....dry that is... but we will see... i will let you guys guess the final weight....

and yeah, i am def hoping that indica is gonna be a killer female... i really want to grow out a good indica... i love them....


Well-Known Member
yeah we can call the wrestler "danka libre"...lol... who protects my grow.... well hell someone has to while i am at work....lol...


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, cant wait to see the finial product, to bad abut no scale tho, some say my eyes are natural scales, so maybe i can help ya out ;)


Well-Known Member
sweet... well i will have some new piks of her up shortly and some piks of my sprouts... all 7 are doing good... i am planning on getting 6 females total through time... i will prolly get them all going in coke bottles... i will top and fim and lst till i get all of them to the same height fter vegging for over a month, then flowering those babies... the way i am gonna do my lights is this... i had 8 outlets for my new hood and box... i just got another light adapter with 2 sockets on it, so that will bring me up to having 10 lights... i figure if i run 42watt cfl's in each one then i will have 420 total watts... that divided between 6 plans, each plant will get around 70 watts.... i thought about this along time last nite and this is what i have come up with... sound good?
piks up in about 15 minutes...


Well-Known Member
the thing i was gonna do with the coke bottles is this... dont cut off the top... fill it with dirt and poke some holes around the bottom... then i shall get a pen and sorta dig a hole in the dirt and place my sprout down in it... i guess we will see how it turns out rite? i am just sorta waiting to get some more sprouts vegging so i will make sure i have 6 females to do this with... anyways... here are some piks... in a sec...


Well-Known Member
Wow, i just relied to this, my RIU is acting up or its my laptop, i like the idea man, sounds like a plan to me, im thinking of moving up from the party cup lol

i have to water at alot now, i was think of cutting out the bottom, then plating it like half way in another cup with dirt, kina like pot stacking when people grow, instead of transplanting. maybe it use like 3 cups, just to give the roots some room


Well-Known Member
will be harvesting tonite... yay... i waited the 8 weeks out... it could have went a lil longer, but i dont really want to sacrifice curing and drying time, so further more... here are the piks...

enjoy... my 7 new sprout piks will be up in a sec... till then, drool over this shit homie...:-P



Well-Known Member
also, the only thing i forgot to say about what i am doing now is i turned the lites off last nite at 10pm instead midnite to give it 24 hours of darkness before i harvested tonite... i also flushed it one last time before harvest... i dont know what dif that will make... it may take a lil longer to dry because of this, but whatever... live and learn... i pretty excited about finally cutting this plant... to think that i paid 20 bucks for the quarter it came in and now i am getting at least that back in dank with a lil effort and a lot of research...


Well-Known Member
i have also rather decided not to revveg this one... being the amount of sprouts i got going... i want to keep it small and revegging would be a hole nother project... i do plan on revegging a plant eventually... i just want to leave more fan leaves on it next time around... i sorta fucked myself on trimming it so much in its early years...lol.. hell i even had the fan leaves tide to the cup to give it the shape it has for my LSTing... but once again... live and learn.. plus those 3 airy buds will at least pack a extra bowl for me...


Well-Known Member
Yeah son lets see some harvest pics I'm feeling sick from all the anticipation:spew:lol

You'r grows the reason me n my buddy wanna grow shwag to see how good the genetics are from the shwag around here. I'm a week or two behind you dude I planed to harvest next week but I'm not quite sure of that I'll prolly give it extra time.


Well-Known Member
alrighty then... i harvested last nite... and man, did i feel a since of accomplishment... i alos decided to trim the bud before drying... well why am i talking about all this, piks will be up in about 15 minutes...


Well-Known Member
i guess let the piks speak for themselves...



Well-Known Member
so after i trimmed and took a thousand piks, i delicately placed it in its home for the next 3 days... the fourth day, i will keep it in a paper bag, then off to curing for 10 days...

