11/9 the day legal pot died

says the guy who claims to making 288,000 or 150,000 a year inspecting homes.

Are you claiming retirement due to dymensia or alzheimers?

Because I know you were aware I started this business less than a year ago and am building it up. You have admitted that your business didnt suddenly spring up overnight. And that it makes you look amazingly butthurt when you continuously attack my with false claims about what I previously posted.

But since you are a guy who hires illegal aliens under the table and pays them shit while talking smak out of the other side of his face I guess you are fine with it.
Are you claiming retirement due to dymensia or alzheimers?

Because I know you were aware I started this business less than a year ago and am building it up. You have admitted that your business didnt suddenly spring up overnight. And that it makes you look amazingly butthurt when you continuously attack my with false claims about what I previously posted.

But since you are a guy who hires illegal aliens under the table and pays them shit while talking smak out of the other side of his face I guess you are fine with it.
again when I asked what do you think of Dodd-Frank and Trumps stance on it. Must be to difficult of a conversation for you.
I make realistic goals for my business. I don't claim to about to make 750,000 a year, because that's what it should be if people washed everyday and machines are filled around the hour. Does not work like that, but a dumb ass like you thinks that way.
The top you will make will be 65,000 and I doubt you can even get that seeing how you spend your time here with me.
Show me one quote where I even remotely suggest that I would use an undocumented worker. LIAR.
I would not want to pay the penalty for such stupidity. You the one that does not even understand E-verify.
again when I asked what do you think of Dodd-Frank and Trumps stance on it. Must be to difficult of a conversation for you.
I make realistic goals for my business. I don't claim to about to make 750,000 a year, because that's what it should be if people washed everyday and machines are filled around the hour. Does not work like that, but a dumb ass like you thinks that way.
The top you will make will be 65,000 and I doubt you can even get that seeing how you spend your time here with me.
Show me one quote where I even remotely suggest that I would use an undocumented worker. LIAR.
I would not want to pay the penalty for such stupidity. You the one that does not even understand E-verify.

You dont need e-verify bullshit when you pay them cash...

You are the one claiming to make bank off the backs of poor people you got working 24/7.

I am not part of the Trump campaign or presidency, you are going to have to ask him about his platform. When he starts stating what HE is going to do I can give you an opinion on it.

This is why I usually leave after an election, it is all speculation for several months before anything actually happens. Maybe this one will be different, we shall see.
The only thing wrong with the burial gig is a lack of repeat business.

I Want to hear more about your windmills for profit!

Haha believe me, that's been put to me before.
Maybe it's just the U.K./Ireland, but there is a ridiculous amount of money in the funeral business.
Herd a guy boasting once that he had bought a plot in the graveyard. £12,000 for the plot alone.

Now, the wind turbines.
I first erricted a small 2kw, seen that it could well power my grow room & invested in three 10kw turbines.

Your location & power provider might offer different rates but they're all pretty much the same.
Here in Northern Ireland, 10% of the power is supposed to come from renewable sources, but I sell my power to a Scottish company.
Basically, I get paid the exact same rate as the cost of a unit.
Power NI, did help considerably with information & helping with the ROC documents.

I wouldn't advice anyone to get a loan or mortgage to buy one, I think that would defeat the entire concept of "free power"

Do you plan on selling your power, using it in your home or both?
Haha believe me, that's been put to me before.
Maybe it's just the U.K./Ireland, but there is a ridiculous amount of money in the funeral business.
Herd a guy boasting once that he had bought a plot in the graveyard. £12,000 for the plot alone.

Now, the wind turbines.
I first erricted a small 2kw, seen that it could well power my grow room & invested in three 10kw turbines.

Your location & power provider might offer different rates but they're all pretty much the same.
Here in Northern Ireland, 10% of the power is supposed to come from renewable sources, but I sell my power to a Scottish company.
Basically, I get paid the exact same rate as the cost of a unit.
Power NI, did help considerably with information & helping with the ROC documents.

I wouldn't advice anyone to get a loan or mortgage to buy one, I think that would defeat the entire concept of "free power"

Do you plan on selling your power, using it in your home or both?

I don't have a way to generate much yet. If I did I would likely use most or all of it myself, and just use the grid for load balancing.
You dont need e-verify bullshit when you pay them cash...

You are the one claiming to make bank off the backs of poor people you got working 24/7.

I am not part of the Trump campaign or presidency, you are going to have to ask him about his platform. When he starts stating what HE is going to do I can give you an opinion on it.

This is why I usually leave after an election, it is all speculation for several months before anything actually happens. Maybe this one will be different, we shall see.
So you have to stoop to lies to debate me. Funny shit you are.
I realize you can't tell me shit about Trumps plan, because he is making it up right now. Your vote was against Obama. You are clueless to what Trump will do for our nation, just happy to see the black guy go...FYI he was leaving anyway.
I guess you did not have any home to look at today. Damn going to be mighty hard to hit that 288,000, let alone 150,000 mark
I am making plans for $5.00lb pot. I figure I can grow a couple of pounds in my back yard for $10.00 easily.
Paid $50 for seed. A little, maybe $5 for organic soil amendment. Yield was between 6-7 pounds from my legal four (OR). If you have dependable high quality seed already and a nice garden bed already prepared, you can do much better than I did.

If pot goes to schedule 2, and FDA treats MJ like other schedule 2 crops like opium poppy. No more open grows, back to the grow cabinet. No more $5/pound home grown.
hillary's plan was to reschedule to schedule II. if this was an issue for you, why the fuck did you vote for her and why are you bitching now? trump said let the states decide. hillary said let the fda decide.

seriously, for people on a forum of typed thoughts, i'd have thought some could read and comprehend more accurately... hillary would have supported prescription pharmaceutical pot, grown in labs, or pills made from it. you would never be allowed to grow/consume privately legally. the fuck...
Hillary was 3rd term Obama. Obama and his DEA just decided not to reschedule to change anything with marijuana at a Federal level. All this, considering Obama was a member of the Choom Gang! Looks like they sold out to establishment politics for their own asses and to not rock the boat.
Paid $50 for seed. A little, maybe $5 for organic soil amendment. Yield was between 6-7 pounds from my legal four (OR). If you have dependable high quality seed already and a nice garden bed already prepared, you can do much better than I did.

If pot goes to schedule 2, and FDA treats MJ like other schedule 2 crops like opium poppy. No more open grows, back to the grow cabinet. No more $5/pound home grown.
heroin and opium are schedule I. Yall posting in this thread are clueless, sounds like a bunch of current medical cash croppers getting scared of any change.

Schedule II means less enforcement money, less regulation, lower priority.
Paid $50 for seed. A little, maybe $5 for organic soil amendment. Yield was between 6-7 pounds from my legal four (OR). If you have dependable high quality seed already and a nice garden bed already prepared, you can do much better than I did.

If pot goes to schedule 2, and FDA treats MJ like other schedule 2 crops like opium poppy. No more open grows, back to the grow cabinet. No more $5/pound home grown.
which is why you guys have attacked me and @roseypeach for more than a year. we want legal pot, you want fda and hillary and to beat up on people who have broken necks and carpel tunnel. no meds, just insults... that's one HELL of a model american!
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Hillary was 3rd term Obama. Obama and his DEA just decided not to reschedule to change anything with marijuana at a Federal level. All this, considering Obama was a member of the Choom Gang! Looks like they sold out to establishment politics for their own asses and to not rock the boat.
btw uncle buck, you made several bets here. get the fuck off my website!!!
which is why you guys have attacked me and @roseypeach for more than a year. we want legal pot, you want fda and hillary and to beat up on people who have broken necks and carpel tunnel. no meds, just insults... that's one HELL of a model american!
Dude, I have never quoted you or roseypeach. I don't think I've even replied to your posts. For most of this year, I've had you on my ignore list because I think you are shit stupid. I like @roseypeach's avatar. Recently, I liked one of her posts when she gave some advice to somebody else that I didn't know but thought it was good advice and nice of her to help. That's all I know about her.

Leave me out of your fucking wars. You aren't even worth the effort to poke fun at.

Thanks for agreeing with me about the pitfall of making MJ schedule 2.

Damn, the guy can't even agree nicely.
heroin and opium are schedule I. Yall posting in this thread are clueless, sounds like a bunch of current medical cash croppers getting scared of any change.

Schedule II means less enforcement money, less regulation, lower priority.
You are right in calling me ignorant about this issue. I only know what I read. I have no irons in this fire other than that I'm an Oregon recreational grower and just want to be able to grow, as well as let others grow because no good reason not to.

That said, get YOUR facts straight, Pollyanna. The drugs companies have quite a bit of leverage in this area as well as profit-incentives.

Opium is listed as schedule II/IIN. As far as home growing Papaver somniferum, there was an opium poppy control act that was repealed in 1970. From Wikileaks, the regulatory status of non-commercially growing the poppy is unclear and legal action against ornamental poppy growers is "unheard of".

Schedule II/IIN Controlled Substances (2/2N)
Substances in this schedule have a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.\

Examples of Schedule II narcotics include: hydromorphone (Dilaudid), methadone (Dolophine), meperidine (Demerol), oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet), and fentanyl (Sublimaze, Duragesic). Other Schedule II narcotics include: morphine, opium, and codeine.

As far as home growing Papaver somniferum, there was an opium poppy control act that was repealed in 1970. From Wikileaks, the regulatory status of growing the poppy is unclear and legal action against ornamental poppy growers is "unheard of"

Since "opium poppy and poppy straw" are listed in Schedule II of the United States' Controlled Substances Act, a DEA license may be required to grow poppies in ornamental or display gardens. In fact, the legal status of strictly ornamental poppy gardens is more nuanced, and destruction of ornamental poppy installations or prosecution of gardeners (except those caught extracting opium via capsule scarification or tea extraction) are virtually unheard of.[citation needed] During the summer, opium poppies can be seen flowering in gardens throughout North America and Europe, and displays are found in many private plantings, as well as in public botanical and museum gardens such as United States Botanical Garden, Missouri Botanical Garden, and North Carolina Botanical Garden.

From the above information on opium, it's not entirely certain that non-commercial gardens with MJ planted "for ornamental purposes" would fall under the DEA regulatory system if rescheduled from 1 to 2.. But like the opium poppy, growing MJ for use as a drug probably does. A lot depends on how the rescheduling is done. I admit I don't know anything other than what I just posted.

The paranoia about rescheduling MJ to schedule 2 seems justified, especially for commercial growers. Maybe the concern is overblown? I don't know.
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So if it's completely illegal now and we have med pot and rec pot, how in the hell will this stop it?

It's apparent the states haven't cared about it being schedule one. I can't see that that would change.
which is why you guys have attacked me and @roseypeach for more than a year. we want legal pot, you want fda and hillary and to beat up on people who have broken necks and carpel tunnel. no meds, just insults... that's one HELL of a model american!
Yeah and what's up with that? Is it because we take the time to do the research to get our facts straight for one of the most important decisions we ever have to make as U.S. citizens? I'm so confused..and annoyed. I've been attacked so many times by so many people that, the moment they realized I was a Republican, they started trolling, attacking and insulting me that I almost didn't come back. Now many of those same people either won't show their faces at all and the ones that do, still want to attack and insult anyone that doesn't agree with them. I've not defended myself hardly at all, mostly because I don't feel like I should have to but since so many follow the ranting and ravings of UB, I'd like to set the record straight, once and for all.

TO UNCLE BUCK: For the record, I'm not an alcoholic, though I did drink quite a bit a few years back when my mother was dying and had just become single after an eighteen year marriage to a cheater. I'm not a pill popper (I actually detest pills) though I do have to take thyroid medicine and dicyclomine every day for stomach issues (along with smoking and eating pot for relief). When I came online back then, it was to decompress and try to forget my troubles and enjoy some time amongst fellow growers and all I got was trolled. I am on Medicare for a disability which I won't spell out here because that is too personal and not anyone's business but mine. I am not unemployed however, I am a tax accountant and I run a kennel of 6 dogs, and keep a five acre property groomed and cared for, so to say I am a lazy person couldn't be further from the truth.

I'm not going to say much else on this subject, I'll leave that to you since your IQ is much higher than mine (and most everyone here) you handle criticism (or should I say being attacked and verbally assaulted on a daily basis) better than I do since you know I've a bit of a sensitive heart.
It is not my job to tell you what Trump's platform is. We have been discussing it for over a year now, if you are unsure then I cannot help you. It is not your job to worry about my company and my income.

You remind me of the little old lady driving down the street at 15 mph looking in the rear view mirror so much she has no clue where she is driving.

Leave my girlfriend out of it