10 Plants, 400w MH/HPS, DS90II, Coco with Trumph-Blumat, Gold Label Nutrients Journal

Day 16

Just a note, this thread now only have 8 girls, so if a moderator reads this text please change the thread name to 8 plants. :) Even better change it to 12/12 from seed and just remove the amount of plants. :) Thanks.

I checked my pH levels today, hadn't checked since monday at noon, and while I set it at 5.8, it had gone up to 6.2! Added 0.1 ml of pH- and it's now at 5.9 pH. :)
The girls look healthy, except for two of them who basicly has no leaves on the side where they have been burnt earlier, also they're a bit smaller than the others.
They've had an very quick growth, probably because they now have a decent amount of roots and will start building above ground. :)

Pics, first one is the green emerald, other i have not labeled and lastly an overview :)


looking really good man, it's nice to see them widening out and building those strong stems.
so no more issues with the blumat system?
i haven't had any issues in a while now so that's really good... i'm definitely sticking with them for as long as i do coco grows which will be for a very long time seeing as how fast everything goes compared to soil.
i'm about to add 3 new pics to my journal that show day 40 from seed and day 41... shit is unreal. since i topped the sweet deep grapefruit that little bastard shot some arms out and got really wide... i can tell already that it will have 3 to 4 main colas since it took so well to the topping.... the blue widow didn't do as good but will still have 2 mains.
so what is the "ww x bb" that you mention in your pic? is it white widow times blueberry? if so isn't that the same thing as blue widow?
looking really good man, it's nice to see them widening out and building those strong stems.
so no more issues with the blumat system?
i haven't had any issues in a while now so that's really good... i'm definitely sticking with them for as long as i do coco grows which will be for a very long time seeing as how fast everything goes compared to soil.
i'm about to add 3 new pics to my journal that show day 40 from seed and day 41... shit is unreal. since i topped the sweet deep grapefruit that little bastard shot some arms out and got really wide... i can tell already that it will have 3 to 4 main colas since it took so well to the topping.... the blue widow didn't do as good but will still have 2 mains.
so what is the "ww x bb" that you mention in your pic? is it white widow times blueberry? if so isn't that the same thing as blue widow?

Thanks thats nice to hear. :)
Yeah I haven't had any problems at all since, however today I did notice that there were a bit of water below the pots, i must have set one of the blumats to high cause i could easily see the pot was all wet compared to the others.
That's nice, looking forward to see those! A few main colas will be really nice, I think I will strip my girls to make only a big fat bud :)
ww x bb is white widow times big bud, should give some nice herbs I hope. I've posted a link with info on the first page :)
oh ok that white widow times big bud should be killer. i know what u mean about one pot getting drenched cause i had some issues with that dukring my first 2 weeks but since then i have goten it dialed in perfectly and it has been smooth sailing.
so since u are doing 12/12 have any of your plants started to show their sex? i know some strains show it really young when they are started on 12/12
oh ok that white widow times big bud should be killer. i know what u mean about one pot getting drenched cause i had some issues with that dukring my first 2 weeks but since then i have goten it dialed in perfectly and it has been smooth sailing.
so since u are doing 12/12 have any of your plants started to show their sex? i know some strains show it really young when they are started on 12/12

I actually haven't checked. I'll go looking for my microscope and check tomorrow when the light is on. :)
This might be what ITe mean. Hope this chart helps.

ppm and ec are one in the same.
it just takes a conversion to get the EC from your ppm reading and the same goes for the other way around.
i wouldn't be able to do much without mine since i have had to add stuff like cal/mag to the point where it brings my reservoir water up 100ppm from where it currently was... i wasn't told an exact amount per liter or anything so I'm glad that i had one when i needed it the most.
at the moment i have a nutradip that is a full time meter that mounts on the wall, it measures ppm, ph and temps in your res so that i don't have to test it all of the time, the thing works wonders.
you asked earlier if anyone would recommend calibrating your pH meter, I would highly suggest you do calibrate it if you haven't already as I think my pH meter was off by about .5 pH(and its not a cheap one either).

yep when i just used my regular ph meter i calibrated once a week even though it never needed it.... better safe than sorry lol
Yeah I calibrate once a week now. I also saw some 1 litre bottles with ph 4 and 7 for only about 25 euros a pop. Cheap. :)

About the EC meter, I guess it's a good idea to obtain one, well I know it is. Makes it easier. I will get one for my next grow, a bit strapped on cash right now. :)

I use 1 x 400w for these plants yes, I am doing 12/12 from start and lets be honest, 400w in a 3x3 feet area is plenty aslong as I don't grow large plants witch I don't want to because of mobility to move the girls ~ once a month. Theres no problem with the canopy since the plants will not be that large.
I am thinking of removing everything except for the main stem and leaves, because I want to get one big cola on each girl. :) I might do this method on a couple of the plants and let some of them grow as normal.
hey so i used to use a ppm meter that was called something like EZ meter, it was blue in color so it should be easy to find with a simple search on google.... either way, i spent only 20 bucks on the thing and it never failed me in the year and a half that it was in use, i used it a minimum of once per day and only calibrated once every 2 weeks and it was usually spot on with the 1400ppm test solution i had. just thought u might wanna know that since u said u were strapped for cash and this is a very good cheap alternative that does what it is supposed to. [
Yeah I calibrate once a week now. I also saw some 1 litre bottles with ph 4 and 7 for only about 25 euros a pop. Cheap. :)

About the EC meter, I guess it's a good idea to obtain one, well I know it is. Makes it easier. I will get one for my next grow, a bit strapped on cash right now. :)

I use 1 x 400w for these plants yes, I am doing 12/12 from start and lets be honest, 400w in a 3x3 feet area is plenty aslong as I don't grow large plants witch I don't want to because of mobility to move the girls ~ once a month. Theres no problem with the canopy since the plants will not be that large.
I am thinking of removing everything except for the main stem and leaves, because I want to get one big cola on each girl. :) I might do this method on a couple of the plants and let some of them grow as normal.
hey so i used to use a ppm meter that was called something like EZ meter, it was blue in color so it should be easy to find with a simple search on google.... either way, i spent only 20 bucks on the thing and it never failed me in the year and a half that it was in use, i used it a minimum of once per day and only calibrated once every 2 weeks and it was usually spot on with the 1400ppm test solution i had. just thought u might wanna know that since u said u were strapped for cash and this is a very good cheap alternative that does what it is supposed to. [

Cool, that's cheap! I've got my eye one for 35 euros, it's the same price as for my pH meter, and the same brand, Adwa. I will probably buy one in a few weeks when I get some more money. :) Right now I'm strapped on cash since I have to buy shitty overpriced hasch. This time there were even a hint of Henna smell, not good, not good. Atleast I get high and not bored.

By the way, do you have any kind of airstone in your container? I am thinking it would probably be a good idea to invest in one as well.
you asked earlier if anyone would recommend calibrating your pH meter, I would highly suggest you do calibrate it if you haven't already as I think my pH meter was off by about .5 pH(and its not a cheap one either).


Same thing here...mine was off by a full point. Good thing I ordered the calibration solution with it. Hasn't fluctuated since I calibrated it that one time but I still check it every other week or so.
Tried to move the plants today. Went pretty fast, takes around 30 minutes to clear out my apartment from growing equipment. However I felt that two of the girls (the smallest ones) are way to slow in growth, so I'm probably gonna kill them. Sure I do have the room, but I don't wanna carry them around if they yield super low witch they probably will.

To lazy to put down my blumats again, I will set it up on friday evening after my visit that i trained for today. For now I'll do hand-watering. :)
so to answer your question about the airstone... yes i do have one but mine is ceramic. i have heard horror stories of people having their regular airstones break down and clog up drip feed lines... that would be a major problem with the blumats so i just got a ceramic one instead so that i wouldn't have to worry about it falling apart in my reservoir after being used for only 1 year. it was the same price as all of the others too.
so just a word of advice about the small plants you are thinking about donating to the garbage bin lol... i had a small runt of a plant like that before and 2 others that were of the same strain that outgrew it... when i switched to flower it stretched more than the others and yielded just over an eighth more in dry weight compared to one plant and 6 grams compared to the 3rd plant. ever since then i don't even think twice about pulling any of my plants unless there is something really wrong with them or if they don't show any signs of life within a 2 week period.
i was having to put the runt plant on blocks to elevate it to the same height as the other 2 plant canopies just so that it could get enough light and once the 12/12 schedule started i was removing blocks each day due to the stretch lol.