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  1. M

    Which placement is better for a carbon filter?

    Aren't we pulling and pushing? Pulling air through the filter to the fan and then pushing from there forward? I have been pulling through the filter and everything is working fine.
  2. M

    Day 22 Flower - Lemon Skunk

    Looks good for 3 weeks to me, keep on your game though.
  3. M

    Can you run six 1000w HPS without throwing red flag?

    Obviously the power company wants your money and as long as you pay your bills they might not care. I personally would be nervous with that kind of increase, but have no facts to tell me it can or can't be used by the power company to look into the increase.
  4. M

    LED vs Metal Halide

    I gave the 120(equivalent to 600watt) watt LED for a couple months and just finally gave in and took it down to put back up the 600w metal halide. Healthy plants under the LED but slow growth. The growth rate sped up right off with the Halide.
  5. M

    Pro Mix, Light and Water

    We had 23 seeds and all but one sprouted. So far, all but a couple have broke the surface of the soil, so the pro mix water ratio must be O.K.:clap:
  6. M

    Pro Mix, Light and Water

    I just put some freshly sprouted seeds in the Pro Mix, watered them and put them all under the CFL. The pro mix is in 16 oz cups with drainage holes in the bottom. The mix seems somewhat dry even after liberal amounts of water, but I stopped as to not overdo it? I also wondered if the light...
  7. M

    Fan Time

    What are you using for a filter on that bad boy?"
  8. M

    Fan Time

    I have 616 cu ft of combined veg and flower space to vent and plan to run the can filter/fan 6"HO combo 33 with , does the fan need to run 24/7? I will be running one 1000w HPS, one 600w MH and one 4 foot flo. The two bigger lights are vented with glass sheilds, but I would prefer to run the one...
  9. M

    HTG Shipping time???

    I bought a light from them two nights ago on ebay and it came today, I thought that was super fast.
  10. M

    MH Light Size

    Thanx guys, I am going to pull the trigger and order tomorrow.
  11. M

    MH Light Size

    Mr. Howards grow is something similar, 600w x 6 lights for 3600w total and 54 plants. 5 gal pails take up a square foot, so roughly 54 sq. ft. too. This all helps me somewhat. I have yet to determine the size of the veg pails and am not sure what the ideal wattage MH will be to use. I still...
  12. M

    MH Light Size

    I didn't start the thread to start a flame festival! Just trying to get this right the first time, I ain't rolling in disposable income here.
  13. M

    MH Light Size

    So in theory, if I have smaller pots for the 16-18 vegetative plants and they take up less space as a whole.....I can run less wattage than in the flower room where the 16-18 plants will be in 5 gallon buckets.
  14. M

    MH Light Size

    I was hoping I could get by on one 400w and save the up front cost of two hoods, two ballasts and two bulbs. Maybe the long term savings on the light bill would offset that. Power is .16 cents a kwh here.
  15. M

    MH Light Size

    Do I need the same wattage on the Metal Halide in the vegetative room as the HPS in the flowering room? The flowering room will have 16-18 plants with a 1000w HPS. The vegetative room will have 16-18 plants as well, can I get away with less wattage? The MH's seem to go from 400w to 1000w, with...