Search results

  1. Fauxton

    "One More Run" with the CXBs 3000K-80 & 90 CRI,,,"QBs'" are next in line

    So sorry to hear about your car wreck! That fucking sucks! So glad you made it, though!
  2. Fauxton

    Can someone explain 80 CRI vs 90 CRI- LED

    Just because I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread: the more red produced by a phosphor, the hotter the LED phosphor gets, the lower the efficiency. (Google Stokes Shift.) I'm not against high CRI at all, just wanting to explain (in part) why high CRI is less efficient.
  3. Fauxton

    Sunlight supply agro led sun par 390?

    It's a good light (based only on its components and what I perceive to be the design). To be clear, though, it is a high bay light rebranded as a horticultural light and with a jacked up price. If this is what you want, I think you'd be better off searching for a high bay light from elsewhere...
  4. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Question to nerdy people (and shot in the dark): Has anyone seen a journal article comparing the growth caused by red phosphor coated LED (like the luxeon posted by Robin) vs. red+blue monos? I would be suuuper interested in that. These red phosphor coated LEDs seem to hit chlorophyll a and...
  5. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    ChilLED has an article supporting the use of UV-A: Pretty interesting stuff. Using it seems to have some real advantages (species dependent, of course).
  6. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I'm super curious to see the effects of all the blue and UV-A in ChilLEDs lights. I've recently been reading up on cryptochrome and their spectrum is really going to hit cryptochrome well. Many of the same flower triggering biological pathways of phytochrome are also triggered by cryptochrome...
  7. Fauxton

    ChilLED grow light

    I have never seen this DIY ducting set up.
  8. Fauxton

    ChilLED grow light

    New article by ChilLED on photosynthesis. I thought the animations were neat.
  9. Fauxton

    ChilLED grow light

    ChilLED has a pretty good article on how plants react to light. My understanding is that red+blue is extremely well absorbed by plants but larger plants can benefit from more green light in white light since green can penetrate deeper into leaves and canopy, thus "feeding" the whole plant...
  10. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I have been trying to find one for sale to see how much they are. Let me know if you find one.
  11. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I really value them being all together. Please don't split. One can compare options and designs.
  12. Fauxton

    Hortilux ceramic hps cri 81

    I would love to see a complete radiant flux graph for these. The IR side looks like it's pretty hefty and like it continues on for a while (which may be fine for blooming, particularly for short day plants).
  13. Fauxton

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Do you all recommend low CRI cobs over high CRI? Seems like everyone I talk to prefers low CRI, since they are more efficient. Anyone compared high with low yields? Anyone have experience growing with 90 or above CRI? Is there another thread I should visit?
  14. Fauxton

    Are cobs worth it?

    Just an FYI: There is another thread discussing the new Cree horticultural design. I have posed a question on page 3. (About why 625nm has better WPE than 655nm. That contradicts everything I have...
  15. Fauxton

    Cree 1000W DE HPS Replacement Reference Design

    Why is 625nm more efficient than 655nm? (See XQ-E WPE @ Everything I have ever read says that deep red has better wall plug efficiency than red. Citation...
  16. Fauxton

    Fluence Bioengineering Depends on which one and form, but ~486-510nm.
  17. Fauxton

    Fluence Bioengineering

    ...2.15 umol/j...I about shit my pants when I saw the new Fluence #'s. Their old system was 1.66 umol/j and that was industry leading at the time. Context for why this is amazing (just click the pix):
  18. Fauxton

    Are COBs better than the blue and red LEDs?

    A great point. The studies I have looked at suggest faster growth rate for blurple (at least in the species studied), but there is much to be said for COB PPFD power, convenience, cost, and, like you said, being able to see what you love. That and my wife won't let me have a purple light...
  19. Fauxton

    Running LED's of Differing Voltage on a Single Power Supply

    After multiple searches on RIU and the web, I need to call upon your help since I can't find answers. How do I run LED's of differing voltage on a single power supply? I understand that I need to add LED voltages in series together to calculate the voltage needed from a power supply. Do I do...
  20. Fauxton

    Are COBs better than the blue and red LEDs?

    Very interesting to think through that math. I reserve the right to be skeptical, but nevertheless I value their hard work as well as your reply. Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I did several searches on RIU and the web but found it difficult to locate any good info.