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  1. dave p


    this website might help too.
  2. dave p


    i did some lookin on the internet and found that Flora Series is a good non organic mix.......its 3 bottles gro....bloom and micro...also there are a bunch of other nutes they first time goin non organic too so ill let you know how it works
  3. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    my root rot problem really started to get bad after i used molasses i heard mixed feelings about it so i gave it a try ..............i guess you live and learn
  4. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    i put in 18 oz. of 3% h202 worked awsome i heard it sizzling..... probly going to do that every 3 days or so ...also my water temp is at 55 to 65 girl is almost done about 2 weeks or less leftbongsmilie
  5. dave p


    i was wondering the same thing, thinkin about going non organic
  6. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    i wanna put this girl back in veg if possible and try to clone her.....
  7. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    cvs brand hydrogen peroxide is only 3%.......
  8. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    just wondering how much h202 i should put in if im only lettin it soak for 90 min.
  9. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    also im going to use 5 gal buckets my next grow cause i hate how the roots tangle......i hate having to leave the male stump around
  10. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    thanx for all the help ill let you know how it go's little short on $cash$ right now so ill probly just use the h202 and fresh water method till i save up bad the store is closed:sad:
  11. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    i was thinkin maybe an hour or so with just fresh water and h202
  12. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot???? sir are a life saver......thanx, awsome product!!!!also when i flush im going to add some h202 to see if that helps too.........
  13. dave p

    organic nutes what to do with root rot????

    my problem is this........i had 2 males that i had to chop, now the roots are tangled with the girls.....i also am using organic nutes and read somwhere that h202 is useless......also i was wondering, is it possible to put my girls back into veg once she is done flowering cause i want to take...
  14. dave p

    nube question

    wow i havent been on it like 3 days and i cant believe all the advice thanks soooo mucks guys i have used my tap water was my first grow with top 44 i had no negative side effects.....this is my first time growing sativa(moonflower) so i wanna do everything right.
  15. dave p

    nube question

    sick of going to the store to buy distilled water would it be possible to boil water then cool it to use in res. or any other way please help
  16. dave p


    thanxs man helps alot
  17. dave p


    awsome thats a really good smoke, im growing moonflower and snowberry seeds i saves from them
  18. dave p


    iv looked all over online and cant find that much info on moonflower anyone grow and/or smoked it?????please let me know how it was
  19. dave p

    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    what do you guys think of the t5 light system i read they run pretty cool and im sure they are easy to mount vertically.....
  20. dave p

    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    you just blew my mind with that idea...awsome