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  1. dave p

    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    growin hydro and veg to flower in the same area but i really would not like to have a shit load of vents....just cause its in my dresser... and stealth is my main it hard to mount the hps vertically.....also i little off subject but have you ever heard of the strain moonflower...
  2. dave p

    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    wow a 400 to 600 wat in that little space i like how thats sounds but is it to much? only growin 2 ladies
  3. dave p

    limited space need lighting advice!!!!!

    new to rollitup and it rules..........this is my second grow and unlike my first one i have very little space(30"L*16"W*46"H) i keep going back and fourth with what kind of lighting.....also i will be mounting the lights vertically.....want to grow real dank shit and my budget is 1,000$$$$(took...
  4. dave p

    Stealth Hyrdoponics Bubbleponics 6 planter Kit

    i have the same system in my house i used it for my first grow and it worked great....i did not use the lighting it came with cause i like hps....the floros they come with are ok and will work....but if you can use hps it will be better...if not go with the t5 floros........i just ordered a set...