organic nutes what to do with root rot????

dave p

Active Member
my problem is this........i had 2 males that i had to chop, now the roots are tangled with the girls.....i also am using organic nutes and read somwhere that h202 is useless......also i was wondering, is it possible to put my girls back into veg once she is done flowering cause i want to take some clones..........need help please!!!


Well-Known Member
lol no, dont add the h2o2 in combo with your nutes. You may be able to flush with fresh water and h2o2, then flush again completely, then add your nutes and hygrozyme


Well-Known Member
peroxide dude. it works very well and kills actually good microorganisms as well. the peroxide evaporates very quick though. just try to avoid it unless in your situation.

dave p

Active Member
lol no, dont add the h2o2 in combo with your nutes. You may be able to flush with fresh water and h2o2, then flush again completely, then add your nutes and hygrozyme

i was thinkin maybe an hour or so with just fresh water and h202


Well-Known Member
i guess aladdin didnt know we were talking about peroxide to begin with. Maybe 30-40 minutes would be sufficient. Let me know how thatt works out please.


Well-Known Member
will take high h2o2 concentrations 2-4 days to evaporate out of your you will have to flush again.


Well-Known Member
lol no, dont add the h2o2 in combo with your nutes. You may be able to flush with fresh water and h2o2, then flush again completely, then add your nutes and hygrozyme
i concur, this is exactly what i did, i used fresh water/h2o2 , but first i took apart my set and gave it a steaming hot bath of water and h2o2, then ran water/h2o2 for the first day after that i used hygrozyme...amazing shit dude its pricey but worth every penny, it will eat up your dying roots and withing 4-5 days you get an explosion of new root growth, but dont worry when you see the water getting ugly looking with hygrozyme at first, thats just the roots being eaten up by the hygro


Well-Known Member
i concur, this is exactly what i did, i used fresh water/h2o2 , but first i took apart my set and gave it a steaming hot bath of water and h2o2, then ran water/h2o2 for the first day after that i used hygrozyme...amazing shit dude its pricey but worth every penny, it will eat up your dying roots and withing 4-5 days you get an explosion of new root growth, but dont worry when you see the water getting ugly looking with hygrozyme at first, thats just the roots being eaten up by the hygro

Great info man... REP coming to you.

dave p

Active Member
i guess aladdin didnt know we were talking about peroxide to begin with. Maybe 30-40 minutes would be sufficient. Let me know how thatt works out please.
thanx for all the help ill let you know how it go's little short on $cash$ right now so ill probly just use the h202 and fresh water method till i save up bad the store is closed:sad:

dave p

Active Member
also im going to use 5 gal buckets my next grow cause i hate how the roots tangle......i hate having to leave the male stump around


Well-Known Member
whats the strength of h2o2 u have? most hydro shops i know carry 35%, if this is the case and its a company that makes it for plants should be 1-3ML per gallon, dont be over zealous with it, not only can it kill the bacteria but also too much can burn root


Well-Known Member
hopefully if your one day growing from wont have any male plants to get tangled up.


Well-Known Member
you can clone flowering plants if they are not to far. Take clone, slice off flowers and revert to 24 hr light. flower clones root just as quick but require time to reveg.


Well-Known Member
I noticed a tiny bit of Goo in my cloner, which prompted an immediate Res Cleaning, disinfecting, and scrubbing. I also picked up some SM-90, they were out of hydrozyme, and this was $20 bucks.

Organic based pest inhibitor, which discourages pest infection, fungus and root rot
Can be applied as a foliage spray or directly in reservoirs with nutrient solutions
SM-90 is prepared from natural plant oils and blended with the finest quality.

This stuff is interesting, it reduces surface tension on your sprayers to decrease clogs. Can be used to treat Mold and Mildew. The smell is very pungent, lemon-lime-citrus Pinesol. It makes your nasty Organic res's smell nice and clean. It WILL however, kill beneficial bacteria. Also when adding, it shoots your PH way up, so bear in mind.


Well-Known Member
cvs brand hydrogen peroxide is only 3%.......
dude i have no idea , no exp. with 3% you may have to use 10-30 ML/gal but i have no idea if there are other ingredients in there that would be harmful....did you clean out your system thoroughly? make sure your water temp is under 75F and get hygrozyme or rhizatonic asap, the h2o2 is a temporary fix to begin with since it is gone in less than 4 days, i relegated it to cleaning duty only, yea so ive heard people here trying 3% and havent heard anyone kill a plant with it