nube question

dave p

Active Member
sick of going to the store to buy distilled water would it be possible to boil water then cool it to use in res. or any other way please help


Well-Known Member
you can buy a ph up/down kit from a growshop and adjust your tapwater ph this is quite common and works fine, saves hassle then its a gd thing lol hope this helps

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
yeah just do what sweet smoker said then your good to go unless you have real hard water,then yor pump willl get a white crap on it and maybey break it


Well-Known Member
All I use is tap water. I started out just like you, filling up 7 gallon containers got old real quick. Tap water has minerals anyways, so its a plus!


Well-Known Member
I used to live in Phoenix for 8 years, so know what u. Ran. But I still would not worry if u can't wait, but if u have to e, go for it.


Well-Known Member
I have a water softener, which flows through a carbon filter prior to coming into the house, and I use my tap water which has a pH of 7.8.

I got some generic liquid Down, add 1TBS to six gallons of water and my pH is stable @ 5.9pH.

I too was lugging distilled jugs for the 1st two weeks until I talked with my local hydro shop. And my plants are almost doubling in size everyday using my water soften tap water.

Good luck!!

dave p

Active Member
wow i havent been on it like 3 days and i cant believe all the advice thanks soooo mucks guys i have used my tap water was my first grow with top 44 i had no negative side effects.....this is my first time growing sativa(moonflower) so i wanna do everything right.