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  1. C

    I had a million dollars but . . .

    i had a mill.. but, i spent it all on gas and food, travelling to random gas stations to buy instant lottery tickets, (thinking i could get rich). It turned out every ticket i bought was a loser and i ended up having to sell my car for a bus ride home.
  2. C

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    matter cannont be created nor destroyed, simply moved from one space/time(point) to another. with that said. nothing is ever destroyed, simply used to create something else. there is a balance. there will ALWAYS be a balance. you can't have life without death. you can't build without...
  3. C

    Is there no way to un-register?

    i would like to be able to delete posts/threads created by me, and also be able to un-register if i chose to. seems sketchy that you can't, i'll agree.
  4. C

    Is there no way to un-register?

    i know you didn't install anything, but, i'm wondering did you accidently click yes to something that popped up while surfing, installed some activeX control to watch some video etc.. all those things are sure ways to get virii.
  5. C

    Marijuana Filled Firewood

    A little joke for ya. Hello, is this the Sheriff's Office?' Yes. What can I do for you?' I'm calling to report 'bout my neighbor Virgil Smith..... He's hidin' marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs, but he's hidin' it there.' Thank you very much...
  6. C

    How screwed is my friend?

    that is speculation to say that kid wouldnt have raced someone else. maybe the kid that killed his girl was the reckless one and egged on the other guy who was more causious.
  7. C

    How screwed is my friend?

    not really, because that would make everyone responsible for everything. a driver in the nascar 500 dies in the race, all drivers get manslaughter? your basically liberally interpretting the situation to fit your emotional needs. cause we can keep goin and say blame the car manufacturer for...
  8. C

    How screwed is my friend?

    i don't think you can get in trouble for calling the cops for someone, so they get some help, then leaving. i think your allowed to drive by an accident and call the police for them and never stop, and never get in trouble for the accident. if you did get in trouble for trying to help someone...
  9. C

    "GOP to Detroit: Drop Dead!"

    really the greatest? and we even have to think about bailing them out? doesn't sound like something 'the greatest' company would have to have done to it.. just a thought.. seems like they would have cut over spending on items to compete in a global market. but failed to do so resulting in a...
  10. C

    Experience with LED's

    i say we make a LED section under indoor growin, and ANY thread about leds gets put there. and if you even post about LEDS outside of that forum you get perma banned. silly grower, LEDS are for astronauts.
  11. C

    Confused by wannabe grower

    simply, all drugs should be legal. it's just that simple. i don't smoke crack, never have never will, have been offered it.. turned it down.. why? cause i'm smart enough to know that shit is just worthless.. if you make 1 drug illegal, you have to make them ALL illegal. there is no reason people...
  12. C

    has anyone tried using led light grow lights?

    click the link 2 times, cause it's an ASP site.
  13. C

    wtf!!! how do i use this????

    the 240v is like euro or somewhere else.. 110 and 220 is us power standards.. i don't really know where 240 comes from.. but you could cut the end off that plug and wire in a normal plug end from a heavy duty extension cord.. edit: o maybe 240 is the same as 220 basically .. i just googled it...
  14. C

    wtf!!! how do i use this????

    it's as simple as kindergarden matching color to color. ;) 3 wires.. use butt joint connectors. crimp them good. wrap with electrical tape.
  15. C

    wtf!!! how do i use this????

    o it says right there it comes with a 240v power cord.. you need
  16. C

    Cloning using just water?

    they sell airstones at walmart in the aquarium department, near the pet stuff. or anywhere that sells aquarium stuff..
  17. C


    looking beautiful.
  18. C

    A guy walks up to you and asks if you know where he can get some. You....

    your a good man, i'll tell ya why, i was in NY once and i was staying with these people, who i didn't know smoked at the time.. they ended up showing me all their pipes etc, and asked if i would goto town to try to get some, cause everytime they went they got laughed at (they were older...
  19. C

    A question for righties

    why is our whole party line "fuck poor people"? you need to lay off the crack pipe. our party line is "help those who help themselves" why the fuck would you waste time trying to help someone that doesnt even want to be helped. it's pointless. they don't want to try to even better themselves...