has anyone tried using led light grow lights?


Well-Known Member
wow la9 ur an idoit how can u say..even after everyone has said that they work in veg..that they dont..the person above me a few posts and i both have proof to show they work great..u have no experience with led for growing and uve admitted it..so shut up for once cause u dont have any idea on this..
It's ASSCLOWNS like this that just want to call names instead debating the issues. LED's are better because you suck, what a way to prove your point, so much factual experience to convince us all to use LED's.

Maybe you should look at a post by JATS, see how he gets hispoint across in a mature adult way ? Didn't even call me any names, amzing isn't it ?

I have more experiene than I ever wish to share with you, there really is no point in wasting my time explaining what I know and what I've done with someone that only researches the latest profanity.


Well-Known Member
From what I have READ online, the LED is what NASA uses to grow plants in experiments, for all right reasons. Super lightweight, no risk of fire, no heat buildup, no bulky, heavy ballast, no replacement bulbs... just the spectrum plants eat, too. Plants apparently have no use for green, yellow, or white light. When I think of how much power goes into creating HEAT, and WHITE in most grow lamps, the ultra-low wattage makes sense. I am of the opinion that they are really on to something.

That being said, let me also point out that most LED systems on the market are unabashedly, absurdly overpriced. The best bargain I have seen so far, and feel free to correct me, is the Sunshine Systems' GlowPanel 45. Obviously, uses 45 Watts. I can't see from the pic, but it looks like maybe more than 45 LEDs. It is $140. It claims to 'surpass 250W HPS'... cover 5 sq. ft. I can handle that price. But that UFO thing looks like a smoke detector with LEDs on it... and for nearly $600? I smell a middleman. I found the same object on a Chinese electronics distributor site, but price unlisted. The price just has to come down. I mean, aren't LED's supposed to be cheap?

I would like to know: Are these LED systems made of patented, photosynthesizing LEDs, or just off-the-shelf red, blue, purple, and amber LEDs in a certain ratio?

...because if that's the case, for $500 - I can buy those in bulk, and build a lamp that looks like the Close Encounters mothership.
I believe NASA uses LED for different reasons than you or I would use. They are trying to grow in space. Would you like to take a chance with a filament getting jarred loose on a trip to the moon or use an LED that uses no filament and therefore has no chance of such an accident.

I would like to know: Are these LED systems made of patented, photosynthesizing LEDs, or just off-the-shelf red, blue, purple, and amber LEDs in a certain ratio?
I don't beleive any of the LED color temperatures are patented. You can buy all types of color temperatures in LED and the plant spectrum just happens to be one of them. They even have UV spectrum, I can go on and on if I wanted to, the answer is that they make hundreds of light spectrums in LED. They are not hard to buy and I still wonder why 1 watt seems to be the popular size when 5 watt LED's are just as easy to pick up, I wonder if it is because the 5 watt ones would need a heatsink and cause added cost. I still like the 25 watt size but that would ruin everone's conception of LED's not producing any heat, now wouldn't it ?

if you have any questions let me know, as long as you are really looking for answers I'll help you out, if you have a crappy life and just want someone to call names then I'm not the guy you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
It's ASSCLOWNS like this that just want to call names instead debating the issues. LED's are better because you suck, what a way to prove your point, so much factual experience to convince us all to use LED's.

Maybe you should look at a post by JATS, see how he gets hispoint across in a mature adult way ? Didn't even call me any names, amzing isn't it ?

I have more experiene than I ever wish to share with you, there really is no point in wasting my time explaining what I know and what I've done with someone that only researches the latest profanity.
haha i say ur an idoit and u flip and say assclown then u blame me for calling names..u admitted on my thread u had experience with LED 20 yrs ago..all u kno is from what others say on this thread just like me...except i have 2 of the lights which is twice as much as i can say for u..and they do work GREAT for veg which u dont kno since all u do is bash the lights..i have 15 plants in a 2 by 2 area and they are growing amazing so for u to say the light simply doesnt work is bullshit...stop copying what everyone says on here and off wikipedia and shut up on the topic..everyone on RIU knows u hate LED so just leave it alone


Well-Known Member
haha i say ur an idoit and u flip and say assclown then u blame me for calling names..u admitted on my thread u had experience with LED 20 yrs ago..all u kno is from what others say on this thread just like me...except i have 2 of the lights which is twice as much as i can say for u..and they do work GREAT for veg which u dont kno since all u do is bash the lights..i have 15 plants in a 2 by 2 area and they are growing amazing so for u to say the light simply doesnt work is bullshit...stop copying what everyone says on here and off wikipedia and shut up on the topic..everyone on RIU knows u hate LED so just leave it alone
You are a dipshit, I had experience with LED's 20 years ago ?, what do you think I read a paragraph about them and then don't know anything else since then. Could I be an electronic engineer and have up to date knowledge on them ? I like how you keep saying "all I know is what you say", I wouldn't know shit if that was the case, why do you think you are so smart when you aren't ? I figure you have some piece of shit job and trying to prove how smart you are on here to make yourself feel better about how bad your life sucks. Some one like me comes along who actually knows what is going on and makes you feel like the piece of shit you are and that is why you ae compelled to search out every thread I write something on and try to make me look bad. You probably have one of those rooms dedicated to me where you live. You spend more time following me around than it would take to actually go out and get a social life. I am tired of being your obsession, find someone else, preferable a chick this time, dumbass.


Well-Known Member
You are a dipshit, I had experience with LED's 20 years ago ?, what do you think I read a paragraph about them and then don't know anything else since then. Could I be an electronic engineer and have up to date knowledge on them ? I like how you keep saying "all I know is what you say", I wouldn't know shit if that was the case, why do you think you are so smart when you aren't ? I figure you have some piece of shit job and trying to prove how smart you are on here to make yourself feel better about how bad your life sucks. Some one like me comes along who actually knows what is going on and makes you feel like the piece of shit you are and that is why you ae compelled to search out every thread I write something on and try to make me look bad. You probably have one of those rooms dedicated to me where you live. You spend more time following me around than it would take to actually go out and get a social life. I am tired of being your obsession, find someone else, preferable a chick this time, dumbass.
ahah wow...u couldnt be more wrong..u started following me when my thread came up..u were the first person to comment on it..u cant resist a fight on LED..where did i say that all u know is what i say??? and i admit i dont know shit about these lights other then whats said here and what is online and from my experience with them..my current experience by the way..look how much u take it to the next level cause u hate LED so much..kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
LOL, I get the feeling someone here has a lot more issues with his life other than what they come here for. Or the whole purpose of what this site is, does absolutely nothing for them and they need a new hobby and friends really bad.


Active Member
I don't understand such strong reactions online. We will never meet each other, our opinions are without consequence, and we can easily ignore each other in this format. I am here for unbiased INFORMATION, not bickering!

I have heard that 1 and 5 Watt LEDs are too weak for flowering, but 15 Watt LEDs can certainly do the job.

SO in THEORY, an array of 15W to 25W LEDs would be able to compete with HPS or MH systems. It would be expensive, yes. It would generate heat, although I can't imagine it as high as HPS. It would use less electricity, under 200W. The lower monthly electric bill would eventually equalize the higher investment, as would NOT buying replacement bulbs.

I have been influenced to believe that the LED technology, AS OF RIGHT NOW, is not cost-effective, or a working alternative to HPS.

This caught my eye, posted previously:

"...search PlanetGanja and Cannabis boards and you can find a lot of threads on the advanced theories and practice of growing using LEDs, it mainly comes down to most people attempting LED grows are using inferior quality or simply not powerful enough LEDs. From what I've personally seen and heard a proper setup using high power aka class 2 LEDs (Cree Xlamps, Luxeon Rebels, and Ledengin (which come from individual wattages of 5-15W) would basically demolish all other currently availabe forms of lighting in PAR and PUR. The main arguements going back and fourth are beam angle related, underdriving vs overdriving, the use of light near 660nm to create artificial darkness.

With that inmind however, one must note at the current prices for these higher end components, initial cost is much steeper, however once one factors in electrical costs (assuming you aren't solar, wind, etc) it does indeed even out, even at this moment. I believe in the November 2008 issue of High Times Jorge Cervantes reviewed a Spanish built UFO type LED vs a 400W HPS and a 600WHPS, the yeild to electrical price ration in this particular example was a net loss of 15% of yeild however when costs were factored in this was nearly even, and I in no way assert this is the most effective design.

Please in no way insult the thousands of man hours being put into the serious and hobbiest application of LED technology as a long term revolution in horicultural lighting.

I my self bought a Chinese panel which is apparently underdriven unnamed brand 10mm LEDs in an array of 72 Red vs 40 Blue. I was a victim of misrepresentation, but from that mistake I have done significant amounts of research on the topic. I'll put it to you like my forum buddy Weezard put it to me, 5mm? Not It, 10mm? Not It Either, 1W, Little Bit, 5W Getting There, 15W? Can Do. He's using an array of 4x RED 15W 1x BLUE 15W underdriven so his guesstimation of total used wattage is 60, and the guy seems upright to me and he claims to have colas the size of his fist under that unperfected but raw power set up...

Those Ledengin LEDs he is using are around thirty dollars per, but colas the size of my fist with a 60W power bill sounds like the future to me."


Well-Known Member
The strong reactions are mostly because there are dealers on all the message boards posting as normal growers trying to get you interested in buying UFO lights from them. So if anything is said to make them look like they aren't as good as advertised they think you are taking a sale away from them. They are good and it is hard to figure out. It is real funny when they write a page to themselves talking between three different screen names complinmenting each other on their choice of lights and how well they are doing. There tactics are so good I'm not going to go any deeper into it, I've been around on several boards and it is all the same thing. There is a big markup on the lights, they are about $75 wholesale for a UFO and the are selling for $550 now. Hope that explains it for you.

Before you get all upset I'm not accusing you, littlegrower of being a seller.


Active Member
Heres the latest Guys

into week three of flowering. Fist Time Grow ever. GH Hydro farm with two of those 12 inch square 10mm let lights.

GH Nutes
Using kool Bloom also now

Seems like it is working???

Attached Thumbnails


Well-Known Member
Heres the latest Guys

into week three of flowering. Fist Time Grow ever. GH Hydro farm with two of those 12 inch square 10mm let lights.

GH Nutes
Using kool Bloom also now

Seems like it is working???

Attached Thumbnails
not bad i would recommend trimming up the bottoms of the plants, that foliage down there will do you no good


Active Member
Ok Cool. Ill try and take some decent photos sunday. I tried this past and they came out all fuzzy. So ill skip a week. I did fondle them and they were hard n sticky. So we shall see. Like I said this is my first grow ever, so I am a total nube


Well-Known Member
from what I read from the sellers of the led lights, it seems to help them grow faster? no heat? wow? no fan needed? blue and red spectrum? sounds too good. has anyone tried this though?

i have seen a million guys claim they work Great. i also know a seller who took one into the grow store to show it off and the results sucked when he came back to pick the pos up he bought a 1000 watt hps
i also had some clown tell me the UFO Works.
he follows up by showing me pictures of his ufo Grow with like 4 floros. i said do you think the florescent bulbs are making the plants Grow and he said naw
you simply cant get people to wake up.
i think that after you blow 600 bucks on a led light you are too embarrassed to admit you were a dope.
Fact is it aint ready for prime time
not even close!


Active Member
Well here are the picks from Sunday. using a 10mm array of Led I bought for $140. Think it's called a glow or grow panel. I know that the results probably are not as good as HPS but i am growing in a tiny closet that is like 24inches by 18. So heat is an issue and I don't want a heat signature. The concealability is nice with these 12x12 panels. Sorry the Pics are a little blurry, but ill try and get better this coming sunday. Thanks in advance for your unjaded open minded opinions.



Well-Known Member
well i just bought a 168 red and blue spec led grow light, ima set it up with my setup and c what happens. actually, i'll put the led light on only 1 side of the plants and c if there's any significant changes to that side.


Active Member
Ok guys, heres the latest. The buds are growing, very crystally and hard. Smell awesome. My light is the 40 watt Glow Panel w 10mm LEDs. Thought it said Grow but old tired eyes mislead me. It is a Glow Panel. $140 job made in china.

I moved the light a little further cause the 2" proximity was singing the little white hairs. Raised it to around 4-5" and the buds grew taller this week. That could be as a result of the maturity too.??

Using Gh Products in a GH hydro bucket with kool bloom being used in flowering.

I tried the t5 flourescents early on but the closet temp got too hot so this is why I am trying to make the LEds work. I mounted the T5 Fixture in my garage. Nice Light. I am sure not the same as I could do with HPS but I just don"t have the space.

this has been fun guys.