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    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    Just a tip u guyz put a bit o sphaggy moss in da bottom o da pot it tends 2 hold moisture longer dan da top soil,gud luk wiv it. Luvin da thread i iz watchin.

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    YO CV wow itz bin hot:fire: ad 2 shut down me mama/clone box in me new unit bloom box woz cookin so sorted a new mama/clone box seprat from da bloom box. Took out da lemon drop an stuck her outdoorz replaced her wiv a challangin 4 in a pot grow day r about same age az me old mama so xtra nugz oh...

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    Ayup CV got sum piccys 4 ya Pic 1 Da new bloom box Pic 2 Da 2 in a pot NL clones 6 wk from cut 3 wk 12/12 Pic 3 Old mama NL cut, abused n still givin me budz Pic 4 Lemon Drop Fem 3 day in bloom Wot do ya reckon?

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    Yo CV da pics i promised Pic 1 Old NL mum in flo Pic 2 Me new unit Pic 3 Inside work in prog Pic 4 Veg box up n runnin above area 2 b new bloom box Pic 5 Da veg, left LemonDrop mum, right new NL mum. Top 4 NL clones rooted

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    YEE HAR thanx 4 da link i iz watchin will post sum pics of me NL grow as soon as da wife as done wit cam (grandsons 1st bday).Gud luk 4 now soon ma man.

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Yo CV nice u iz doin northern tis a strain i as bin doin 4 da past 3 yrs,an u iz rite tis da best all rounda goin man u can b brutal wiv it an it never lets u down n dun rite like da way u grow oh wot happy daze u will av.Settin up a simla grow 2 yours only doin it wiv rooted northern clones...

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Yo CV u got any dry weigh inz yet ? Jus curious 2 no if ya met ya target.

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Likin dem 2 ladyz sunbathin luckin shiny,shiny.

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Yo SKB gud ques bout da 3 in a bed rootbound issue,u must like all of us seen patio planters wiv varios plants in 1 pot,u just got 2 b rite on top wen it cumz 2 nutz.I found wiv dis method water nutz in drip tray 1st let em soak up den water from da top wiv nutz dat way u can chill coz u no all...

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Yo Cereb likin wot u iz doin dem 2 in a pot look da bollox.Owz da 3 clones doin do a lot o clonin meself dis multipot idea got me thinkin av u any pic updates of da 3 in a pot?

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Yo RR jus a update of da girlz Pic 1 2 NL Clones 14 Days from cut Day 1 1212 Pic 2 Day 14 1212 Pic 3 Day 21 1212 Fan leaves pruned 2 allow light penetration

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    I az done 1212 rooted clone b4 but when i kept da lights close like 2" i jus got short dumpy budz + day stopped reachin aft 4 wks so i jus let em mature an got 12g from da 2 dwarfs dis time i iz givin da new clones a 4" distance 2 c if it makes any diff.

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Ayup dis is wot i iz up to. Pic 1 Day 1 1212 rooted NL clones 4 week from cut. Pic 2 Week 3 1212 NL mum. Pic 3 The Rig.

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Yo RR av u found dat thread bout flowerin outdoors aft 4 wks indoors.CHEERZ Ma Man.

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Sweet a journal 4 da dedicated 12/12er.Big up 2 RR 4 startin da ball rollin keep up wiv da progress reports n new ideas i iz subscribed.Dis cud b a BIG JOURNAL. I will b watchin.

    Photos of a 12/12 from seed to 5 weeks in.

    Luvin dis thread pics r bang on lukin N I C E. Keep on postin RR i will b watchin.

    Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.

    bongsmilieTop grow fkn well done sarg keep on growin

    Square foot grow

    Ayup day luk real comfy in dare new home. Keep on postin n gud luk.

    Grow Journal #7- Stealth Apartment GrowCab on the planet Mars, CFLs & 400w HPS

    N I C E like wot u iz doin. Jus a ques "ow r yr clones doin on 12/12".