The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!


Well-Known Member
also, its been about 2 weeks into flowering and the very top middle of the canopy looks like a small bud forming.. could that be a bud forming? its been in 12/12 for 13 days now and that part of the plant is smells alot more then the rest of the plant.. its giving off the skunky odor more then anything else and its starting to get stronger smelling. i cant tell if thats a bud sight or not its VERY small but i think i can see small pistils forming too.. im happy but the drooping needs to stop, i got a close up pic if any1 can help me


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3159889]ok finally some pics

about 8 days only, keep in mind, took em three days to shed seed




here bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lookin good meister
[QUOTE="SICC";3170395]looks over watered[/QUOTE]
yo man i checked on her this morning she perked mostly back up already.. n when i checked the soil she was dry already.. lol wtf overnight going from overwatered and sad to dry and happy in the night.. im glad it wasnt serious lol i felt like a nub asking but i was unable to think of underwatering at the time (i had just smoked a joint as long as my hand with some dank to myself.. it was great)


Well-Known Member
ok so my little shot glass is givin me so much shit lol almost 100% sure its a she now which is good :)

but i water her twice a day and lights go off at 6pm i wake up about 8 am and she is droopin so bad from not being watered its killin me i need like an automatic watering system or something lol


Well-Known Member
haha mine go off at 6, turn on a 12am

i wake up at 8 but mine are usually fine, but there not as big as your either, i stay up late so before i go to bed i water then, then again after i wake up


Well-Known Member
well well well lucky u !!!!lol i gotta figure out of to fix my problem so she dont get all stressed out and go hermie on me got any adeas??


Well-Known Member
idk got to fig out a way to water her cause she will dry out like every hour in my room

pets stores sell water drippers! for lizards and snakes ( a bit over priced )

but you can basicly make your own!

get a 2 liter bottle, fish tank Hose, and a On / Off gauge ?? ( not sure wtf they are called ) but you should be able to get them in the fish section.

adjust the amount of water that comes out, u can get a single drip every few minutes. it will take a few days to find the perfect adjustment, but it will be worth it.

here ya go :mrgreen:


Active Member
Just a tip u guyz put a bit o sphaggy moss in da bottom o da pot it tends 2 hold moisture longer dan da top soil,gud luk wiv it. Luvin da thread i iz watchin.