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  1. Z

    Do you guys think it's necessary to be intimidating or be able to fight if you sell?

    It depends on who you're selling to. If its for friends and friends of friends, no. If you're the friendly suburban highschool pot dealer, kinda. If you're a crack dealer in detroit, yes.
  2. Z


    Slightly off topic but I was offered wax a few days ago at 60$ a gram. I don't know anything about it so I turned it down not knowing if I was being ripped off or not. I live on the eastern shore, how much did it cost you?
  3. Z

    durban poison

    Totally agree
  4. Z

    Prego needs advice

    This is disgusting
  5. Z

    after being arrested for growing in the uk...

    You are so lucky that you got caught in the uk. In america you would be raped up the asshole
  6. Z

    was out side mowing the grass,2 cops

    Don't even risk it. Get them out as soon as possible
  7. Z

    What if MJ were a schedule 2

    Even if it is reclassified I highly doubt the coast guard would accept you. They are the hardest branch to get into already, and drugs aren't looked upon too highly by any branch.
  8. Z

    Are You A Cop?

    Anyone else remember that episode of breaking bad?
  9. Z

    Watch/Grinder through airport

    Don't risk it over a grinder dude. There not a necessity, you can smoke without it. Not worth the risk.
  10. Z

    Having an identity crisis, think I'm turning vegan.

    I don't mind. Were animals we are supposed to eat animals I don't care what happened to it or what part of its body I'm eating within reason. As long as it fills my munchies
  11. Z

    Had sexual relations with a very ugly girl who my friends know now I'm paranoid.

    Hahaha that is hilarious. The same thing happened to me I was called the ogre slayer for months
  12. Z

    list of things that do not exist

    The flying spaghetti monster
  13. Z

    Butthole is the New Vagina

    I don't think I'll every understand why people are so into anal. Its never appealed to me it just seems gross. I don't want blood and doodoo on my dingdong
  14. Z

    Is Canada really better than the US?

    I don't know personally but from what I've heard it seems to be the same as America but more liberal and safe
  15. Z

    Hello everyone

    Hey everyone. My name is Brian and I like smoking pot. So it appears this is the place to go to make friends with other like minded stoners