Watch/Grinder through airport


New Member
Hi, recently I bought one of this kind of type watch/grinder from ebay,not one of these, but this kind of type:

I have planned my vacation for a week back to my country, because currently I am working in Norway (don't plan to be there more than 2 years anyway).
So, I wanted to ask you, would I get any suspision or check if I will carry it on my hand through all airport? Of course, I could put it in checked luggage,
but logicly thinking, It shouldn't catch any eyes on it. The watch hasn't been used, but I have a little fear of taking it with me. I don't want to mail it,
just because I don't want my family to know. I'm not gonna take it back to Norway, so basicly it's one way ticket for it.

Thank you for your answers ;-)


bud bootlegger
please tell me you didn't pay $55 for that thing..

imvho, i'd not even risk it, it's only a grinder, and not like you can't smoke weed without a grinder.. just seems kind of silly to m to risk getting busted over something you don't even need to begin with..
i know you said you don't want to mail it, but that's exactly what i'd do.. you said you don't want your family to know, i guess that you smoke, but a., does your family open your mail, i sure hope not, and b., even if they did open it, all they'd see is a watch and would really have no idea what it was imo..
my $.02


New Member
Don't risk it over a grinder dude. There not a necessity, you can smoke without it. Not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
No THC residue, no problem? Only thing is TSA might say "WTF is this" on the xray? Be ready for the anal cavity search. Lol