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  1. xinjun

    First harvest - How much longer?

    I have a 30x and I have a really tough time seeing trich color with it.
  2. xinjun

    First harvest - How much longer?

    Thanks man. She's a Northern Lights
  3. xinjun

    First harvest - How much longer?

    Ok so I think she's not ready yet but could an expert give me an estimate of how many weeks left?
  4. xinjun

    5 Weeks Flowering

    Nutes: They spent their entire veg in a "super soil" type mix with no added nutes. Plant #1 started yellowing in early flowering so I tried misting with a few drops of Shultz in water for a few days. After no change, I mixed about a teaspoon of blood meal into the top of the soil. That was...
  5. xinjun

    5 Weeks Flowering

    OK so this is pretty much my first real grow and this is the first time I've gotten plants this far along. How do they look? I'm afraid it's not so good. I know that yellowing lower leaves is normal but it seems too early to have this many dying leaves. I put blood meal in the soil 3 weeks ago...
  6. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    Well I am still failing at cloning. I think I am STILL overwatering them. I still have hope that some might pull through but they are looking pretty shitty and the roots are very small. The only good (and strange?) part is that they are surviving just fine without a dome for the past few days so...
  7. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    I just sealed my flowering chamber to the best of my ability (seems pretty damn dark) and set the timer for the lights to go off at 7 a.m. and on at 7 p.m. so I can check on them in the morning before work and in the evening after work :D here we gooooooooo
  8. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    Ok so on Sunday last week, I took 8 clones. Here are my girls post-op, my clone tray and my girls after they recovered (taken today). None of my clones are showing visible roots yet :( Their lower leaves are yellowing, though, so maybe they are consuming their N.
  9. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    Here's some better pictures of my girls before I start chopping clones. <3 ~7 weeks Never topped :D all of these other "tops" are just side branches and can be chopped for clones!
  10. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    My girls recovered beautifully after their most recent round of LST. I intend to take clones within the next couple of days - wish me luck! I had many failures with attempting to clone Hope, but I believe I have identified my errors. I was allowing the pucks to sit in a small amount of water in...
  11. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    I am really happy with these girls now. I call them The Princesses - Diana and Kate, respectively lol. Their early growth was slow and stunted with yellowing leaves. Just like Consuela! Which got me thinking: "What was the difference between Consuela+The Princesses and Hope? Hope grew really...
  12. xinjun

    Xinjun's CFL Closet Grow

    Comments welcome! :D I'm starting a new thread because I think I've got something of a "legitimate" grow going on now (as opposed to the ghetto grow I had before: I've taken over a small bedroom closet, painted with flat white paint, washed...
  13. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    For the record, my girl, Hope ended up getting mites pretty bad. They killed the living clone that I had. I ended up tossing her. Link to my new grow, more legit setup:
  14. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Took some small clones on July 10th. If either of them root and start growing the way their mother did, I'll put Hope into flower :)
  15. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    One of the 2700k's burned out and I replaced it with a 6500k so it's now more like 97w 6500k + 23w 2700k Weekly pics of the girl! :) She looks really good as usual. Shes got big broad fan leaves, nice spacing, good color and new growth coming in. That's a 10" diameter pot so I'd reckon her...
  16. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    For my records, as of July 5th, Hope is now under about 74w 6500k + 46w 2700k CFLs (equal to about 520w in incandescent terms and 8200 lumens) and surrounded by a reflective car windshield screen. She's also spent her entire veg time in 24h light. (For comparison, Consuela's veg was under...
  17. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Consuela finally bit the big one this weekend. It's been pretty hot and humid out here lately and we have no A/C, no nothing so I think that's what got her. Her leaves were curling upwards and I knew she was getting too warm but she was still looking about normal for her (aka crap) but when I...
  18. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    I attempted my first go at Super Cropping Hope last night. Bent her stem until it flopped right over (without breaking the skin). By this morning she was back up nearly straight again with some dark bruising and swelling at the area. Idk how long its supposed to take before they straighten but I...
  19. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Hope is a gorgeous biatch. Her growth rate is blowing my mind. She's pretty much as tall as Consuela already and she hasn't even started flowering.
  20. xinjun

    Xin's first grow

    Hope at ~ 1 month old :) Some of her lower leaves shriveled up and died (you can see the dead litter that I pulled off and some remaining brown spots on the lower leaves) but the upper growth and height that she's getting totally makes up for it! Looks good to me :) (yeah, yeah I'm using some...