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  1. B

    Is my shitty looking plant ready to harvest?

    WOuld you guys say I should try to fix this problem, or just chop this down and smoke it? To be honest I wanted to see what would happen growing a plant with not alot of effort involved. Shitty seeds...and there have been days when I've had to move the plant around out of it's grow area, so that...
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    Is my shitty looking plant ready to harvest?

    It's just some shitty bag seed i got from some mids. No exotic strain, nothing like that. Not even high quality weed....It's been at least 7-8 weeks in flower.
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    Is my shitty looking plant ready to harvest?

    Should I harvest it now?
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    Is my shitty looking plant ready to harvest?

    Well the main bud site has swelled up this morning.I posted here two weeks ago asking what people thought...they said give it two weeks....So here I am......Yeah I just got some seeds out of some shitty bag and planted them. Would you guys say I should just harvest, dry and cure it now instead...
  5. B

    Is this rdy to harvest? 6-7+ weeks in.

    Alot of leaves dying, falling off. No new growth, even lower buds have red hairs
  6. B

    Think these are ready to harvest??

    One of the small bud sites is dying and all the hairs are orange on it. Main cola in the 3rd pic in OP has some small discoloration in the baby leaves...and it smells "green", not fruity like the rest.... Smaller bud Main cola What would happen if I harvested now is my biggest question?
  7. B

    Think these are ready to harvest??

    6 weeks in.... Alot of hairs are receding...some turning orange. o_O
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    idk room temp no fans or anything. how far you guys rtghink im from harvesting? edit: it looks better now then it did before
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    Bump...Any more advice from anyone?
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    honestly dont even care if its some fire or if i get a big yield(i know i wont), just want to know if this plant is gonna make it til i can harvest it. it's looked like a piece of shit retarded plant for months and looks worse then it does in the pic.
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    Using MG 20/20/20 "All Purpose Flower Food" I only give it nutrients every 2weeks. water whenever pot feels light or deep in soil is dry. Still no answers about how the buds look I know the leaves look really bad, they have since the very beginning.
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    its the same "seeding start mix" ive beenusing since i planted them. Yes soil.
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    No light leak but I don't have them on a timer, Every once in a while they might get a few hours extra dark/light time. After that they get at least a week of the correct 12/12 lighting. Thanks for the link, but is there anything more specifically wrong with the plants? I know they're drooping...
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    3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?

    Hair on plant seems to be turning yellow/green. Went from white and now seem to be receding, good or bad? pics:
  15. B

    Is the plant ready to flower?

    How do you feed it to them? I fill up the spoon, mix with water, then just pour it into the soil. I had this problem with seedlings when i firsted started growing these, and they all died, fed this one and it blew up.
  16. B

    Is the plant ready to flower?

    Anything else I should use cos I don't have access to that? Theres worm castings I can buy...idk...
  17. B

    Plant leaves curling, yellowing

    I just throw tap water in that sucker, Last time I checked it was 6.5..while ago
  18. B

    Plant leaves curling, yellowing

    Once a day.... Only to diagnose what the problem is though. It's been like this before I transplanted, even with bone dry soil.. watering made it perky before. Now it doesn't look better, or worse, no matter what I do.