Is the plant ready to flower?

big bud 56

Active Member
if it's miracle grow 20-20-20 then yeah you shouldn't be using it.
I would suggest this stuff.It's only 30 bucks and it's designed for each stage of your plants growth.Cutting edge solutions.
the best stuff on the market imo. $T2eC16h,!yEE9s5jHP3kBRbdBTsDwg~~60_1.jpg


Well-Known Member
You may have a Ca deficiency. If you are using RO or distilled water or "soft" tap water, you will usually have to supplement Ca & Mg. Ca def will show as burnt or twisted leaf tips, brittle petioles & stems, and yellow/brown spotting on the leaf.

I think you have an issue with lockout to to imbalance, toxic buildup of salts, pH issues or other environmental factors.

I would use a supplement like Botinicare's "cal-mag plus". Add it to the water before you add the MG.


New Member
How do you feed it to them? I fill up the spoon, mix with water, then just pour it into the soil. I had this problem with seedlings when i firsted started growing these, and they all died, fed this one and it blew up.

big bud 56

Active Member
You can buy those nutes on ebay and those people that are using miracle gro,it is not the right stuff for cannabis.
It will taste like crap and will be avery harsh smoke unless you like that sort of thing.