3+ weeks into Plant flowering, how does it look?


New Member
Hair on plant seems to be turning yellow/green. Went from white and now seem to be receding, good or bad?



New Member
No light leak but I don't have them on a timer, Every once in a while they might get a few hours extra dark/light time. After that they get at least a week of the correct 12/12 lighting. Thanks for the link, but is there anything more specifically wrong with the plants? I know they're drooping, but are the buds dying too?


Well-Known Member
the plant looks really really bad, what nutes are you giving her? looks like nitrogen poisoning a bit to me..


Well-Known Member
The plant is wilted....
Are you root bound? How often do you water/feed?
Seed starting soil, very good at starting seeds... but sustaining your plant? not so good...
Trans plant out of seed starter..
Use in your new soil mix 25% either vermiculite or perilite... to keep it "AIR-ie"
That's close to a goner...


New Member
Using MG 20/20/20 "All Purpose Flower Food" I only give it nutrients every 2weeks. water whenever pot feels light or deep in soil is dry. Still no answers about how the buds look I know the leaves look really bad, they have since the very beginning.


New Member
honestly dont even care if its some fire or if i get a big yield(i know i wont), just want to know if this plant is gonna make it til i can harvest it. it's looked like a piece of shit retarded plant for months and looks worse then it does in the pic.


Well-Known Member
just try watering it for a few weeks whenever it dries out no food maybe flush it the first time if you havent already with lots of water. then just wait you will get something off of it just not alot if it doesnt herm.


New Member
idk room temp no fans or anything. how far you guys rtghink im from harvesting?

edit: it looks better now then it did before
Temp, ph, ppm, rh. All play a part in plant health. Looks like you have a few problems going on but hard to tell what without more info. If you have been in flower for about three weeks, you have at least 5+ weeks to go, depending on strain.