Plant leaves curling, yellowing


New Member

Been like this for a while. Watering doesn't make any difference....20/20/20 MG nutes I used don't make a difference. Hasn't really been growing at all either. The bigger, yellow leaves(shown in pic) are crispy and break easily when touched. Recently transplanted, 2 days ago. the roots were all white and seemed healthy but was really "rootbound". I'm still usings "Hoffmans seed starting mix", so maybe that's my problem? Using 3 cfls lights on it 24/7, at about room temp. Dunno what else to do. Sorry for the long post, would just really like a definitive answer so I don't waste any more time with this bullshit if it's not going to grow. Thanks.


New Member
Once a day.... Only to diagnose what the problem is though. It's been like this before I transplanted, even with bone dry soil.. watering made it perky before. Now it doesn't look better, or worse, no matter what I do.


Well-Known Member
whats the ph of the water your putting in? the mix your using is soiless so your gonna wanna make sure you ph is in the 5.8 to 6.1 range


Well-Known Member
Get back to basics, water every other day or when pot is light. ph your water to 6.0-6.3 Your using seedling soil which is lacking in nutes for a veg plant. Start with some cal Mag or Epsom salts and nutes on a 25% recommended. If you can get a couple more cfls on her. You can save her with some TLC.