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  1. zfr

    Starting a grow 2. -- 400w 3x2x6--

    I have a big 480cfm setup (6" fan and filter). Considering my tent is 2x4x6, Its approximately way overcapable. The whole setup is LOL.
  2. zfr

    Starting a grow 2. -- 400w 3x2x6--

    Oh hell yes. Starting my first grow soon with 2 400w lights in a similar space. Glad to see how well that can pan out. Congrats dude!
  3. zfr

    Got some insanely brown stuff from a dispensary

    It's def purple, but not a purple like the one guy posted, more of a red purple. More like than Agreed with 80's pheno explanation as well.
  4. zfr

    First sprout! But it looks weird. A few questions.

    It's doubled in size since 12 hours ago, so I think it's doing just fine :lol:
  5. zfr

    First sprout! But it looks weird. A few questions.

    Cool. I've been keeping light on nonstop, and only watering every 48 hours or so (once the soil is dry about half my finger deep). Thanks guys!
  6. zfr

    First sprout! But it looks weird. A few questions.

    This was not there when I left around 9 this am, but it was there when I got back at 6. 4 days in the soil after 24 hours in a shotglass of water. Just chilling in a solo cup under 2 23w cfls in one of those clamp reflectors (I might take one out. Slow growth would be better than fast growth...
  7. zfr


    I've only ever ordered from anyone once, and it was herbies, but it was super stealthy and got to the west coast in under a week. I'll definitely be ordering again.
  8. zfr

    bud trmmers. which one do you use

    I can't find it but there was a thread very recently about this (or maybe it was a diff thread that just segued to trimmers, which would explain why I cant find it) that had some pretty shining reviews of a medium sized trimmer (around the size of a coal grill) for like $400-500.
  9. zfr

    Growing and dating

    true that. Not a bad idea. I have a small cab for doing clones etc set up that locks but the tent was stumping me. I think I was overthinking it haha. Thanks! I love this idea, but I just don't see it as realistic long term. I don't tell any friends or anything like that (Thank god for RIU, I...
  10. zfr

    Growing and dating

    I'm less concerned with by the time they move in, and more if theyre hanging around more than a night and might feel like snooping a bit, yeah? I don't know where the fuck I'd lock a tent haha. I think the latter part of what you said is what I've been thinking though. Complete rapid removal...
  11. zfr

    Growing and dating

    Didn't mean to imply that at all man. More saying I'm not worried about a girl freaking out when she sees the plant and making stupid assumptions (ie me being a dealer or something retarded). Sorry, that wasn't very clear.
  12. zfr

    Growing and dating

    So, I'm about ~3-5 weeks out from starting my grow, pending a move into a new place. Maybe a bit of extra time to see how nosey the landlords are etc. Anyways, I'm a single dude, and I date a lot. How do you guys deal with this? I'm not concerned about bringing a girl home one night or...
  13. zfr

    600w of Chinese LED power

    Diatomaceous earth is the shit. It cuts bugs open in addition to soaking up the waxy business on their bodies that keeps them moist, so if they survive a razor bath, they dry out. Gotta be careful though, the same stuff that makes it dry them out can poison you if you have prolonged exposure...
  14. zfr

    shady's random shit thread

    Subbed up! Boarding the next departure of the shady train!
  15. zfr

    Vertical Coco Tent Grow-Breeder's Boutique Deep Psychosis, Sour Cherry & Qrazy Quake

    Noted, thanks! I'll definitely be keeping bonsai moms of my fave plants, so I'll keep an eye out. It's nice that the nicest smoke was also the pretty one haha.
  16. zfr

    Vertical Coco Tent Grow-Breeder's Boutique Deep Psychosis, Sour Cherry & Qrazy Quake

    Loved reading this thread. The sour cherry is definitely on my short list. Good luck with this next round!
  17. zfr

    For men: Just got out of long relationship, having problems with my manhood! HELP

    Yeah I dealt with the same thing after I got out of a several year relationship (she called it right before i propose actually). Went to the doc and he said he gets quite a few guys with the same thing. I did a bit of googling and it is in fact mega common. Still better to get it checked out...
  18. zfr

    For men: Just got out of long relationship, having problems with my manhood! HELP

    For what it's worth, this is pretty common after a long term relationship ends. Definitely get it checked out just in case, but don't be surprised if he said it's just stress/some mental thing. A lot of times it can just be your brain subconsciously reacting a bit emotionally. Go to a doctor for...
  19. zfr

    Anyone have experience with the Female Seeds Big Grapefruit?

    I just noticed that I accidentally ordered a pack of that instead of a pack of iced grapefruit seeds from Herbies, because paying attention to what you are doing is for chumps :lol:. Anyways, I'm just gonna run with it. Why not, right? It's more sat dominant, which high wise is actually what I...