Growing and dating


So, I'm about ~3-5 weeks out from starting my grow, pending a move into a new place. Maybe a bit of extra time to see how nosey the landlords are etc.

Anyways, I'm a single dude, and I date a lot. How do you guys deal with this? I'm not concerned about bringing a girl home one night or anything, but about longer term dating. Any girl thats around your place long enough is gonna figure that shit out, if you don't tell her. I wouldn't be having a girl that would take issue with it around that long really, so I'm not concerned about "OMG YOU'RE A DRUG DEALER WOW I WE CANT DATE BRB CALLING THE POPO". My concern is more about a girl finding out, getting bitter if we break up, and then selling me out you know?

How do you guys get around this (if you do haha)?


Didn't mean to imply that at all man. More saying I'm not worried about a girl freaking out when she sees the plant and making stupid assumptions (ie me being a dealer or something retarded). Sorry, that wasn't very clear.


Active Member
Imvho, if you want to date, by date meaning potentially having her move in with you, and grow at the same time, make sure she is the right one. No other way around that if you don't want to worry about her ratting on you.

Not only that, make sure you've got the cards before you play the hand, if shit goes south be prepared to throw hard work away, and have a place to stash your equipment at in a moments notice, because you're better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
U date n grow she threatens to call cops be sure to let her know her shit will be thrown in the yard while u chop ur girls...or find a girl who is an equal advocate of growing/marijuana in general



I'm less concerned with by the time they move in, and more if theyre hanging around more than a night and might feel like snooping a bit, yeah? I don't know where the fuck I'd lock a tent haha.

I think the latter part of what you said is what I've been thinking though. Complete rapid removal. I can always handle losing a plant. Sucks, but what else are you gonna do eh?


Active Member
I'm less concerned with by the time they move in, and more if theyre hanging around more than a night and might feel like snooping a bit, yeah? I don't know where the fuck I'd lock a tent haha.

I think the latter part of what you said is what I've been thinking though. Complete rapid removal. I can always handle losing a plant. Sucks, but what else are you gonna do eh?
Depending on the size of the tent, a closet always works well. Just got to Lowes/Home Depot and get a new door knob that has a key. Pretty simple there.


Depending on the size of the tent, a closet always works well. Just got to Lowes/Home Depot and get a new door knob that has a key. Pretty simple there.
true that. Not a bad idea. I have a small cab for doing clones etc set up that locks but the tent was stumping me. I think I was overthinking it haha. Thanks!

Tell no one ever.
I love this idea, but I just don't see it as realistic long term. I don't tell any friends or anything like that (Thank god for RIU, I think I would explode if i couldnt ask/show/chat etc SOMEWHERE) but a girl, especially after a few months or around the time it's approaching move in time, is gonna figure that shit out on their own eventually.

I guess I just gotta play this game when I get there eh?


Active Member
If she threatens to call the cops you throw yourself down the stairs and play dead! She won't call after :p.
seriously though, this riddle has a billion answers, the sure answer you want can only be found by the way the situation plays out if it ever does happen, but most importantly, the way she reacts.

If you want the most simple answer to this issue, don't let them move in.


Well-Known Member
I've had friends that this happened to. Girlfriend got mad, reason is irrelevant, called cops. One friend of mine got ratted out then raided but it was thrown out of court because cops f--ked up- illegal search. I forgot what made it an illegal search. Best advice always- never tell anyone, people go nuts when they're mad or desperate.


Well-Known Member
Make videos of her getting from you in the arse, use it as blackmail material. Of course, I'm just kidding, that's illegal. However, still make videos of her getting in the arse, you can always share with us, we won't tell.