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  1. U

    Thinkin I got a case of root rot..

    To give an update to this, I started with .25 ml of Dyna Gro Bloom, and mixed a bit of Pro Tekt, and my plant is slowly becoming green again. I guess I may have misjudged as I've not smelled that odor before and perhaps I jumped the gun on a conclusion. It seems since I gave it a little bit of...
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    Thinkin I got a case of root rot..

    Ill get some more pics for you guys in better lighting. I started flower about 4 weeks ago for the super lemon haze using dry nutrients. I since switched to dyna gro, using the bloom nutrient which I watered with yesterday. I used .25 ml to start that off for the gallon of water. The reason...
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    Thinkin I got a case of root rot..

    Noticed a smell to my Super lemon haze which is only about a month into flower, and my Cinderella 99 which is About to be cut up... This is only noticed within the past week, what can I do to prevent this later? I've read a few articles about root rot and many of em say it can be caused from...
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    Dyna gro users, just bought grow and bloom

    Well thanks for clearing that up :) haha guess I had the wrong understanding of organic soil grow.
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    Dyna gro users, just bought grow and bloom

    Its rly amazing how potent a ml of solution can make a gallon of water for feeding. Gave me a lot of food for thought :) My clones are prolly 5 days outside of the dome, been lightly misting the soil with just regular tap water, and today I mixed 5-1-1 fish emulsion with a quart of water, I...
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    Dyna gro users, just bought grow and bloom

    I see what your saying. Well upon digging I found dropping from the 1.25 ml to the 1 ml has worked for a few people but I guess it depends how your plants take to it. So youre using roughly 2.5 ml per gallon, were you using that from the start of veg?
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    Dyna gro users, just bought grow and bloom

    Depending on how the plants take, I just plan to mix 1 ml to gallon for first week after I get a few more nodes on my clones and distribute that water evenly between all of em. Have you guys had much success dialing back? I know my super lemon haze strain is touchy so I may have to prep a...
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    Found 6 pack Olympia for $2. Began drinking.

    K pasa? For why?
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    Found 6 pack Olympia for $2. Began drinking.

    What you all drinkin?
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    Found 6 pack Olympia for $2. Began drinking.

    Let the games commence.
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    Questions about predatory nematodes and if safe with plants

    Looking to pick up some predatory nematodes this week. Have a bit of fungus gnats flying around and they are very annoying. Do these little worms affect the plants negatively? Any specific nematodes I should look for? Im completely new to using insects to take out insect and ladybugs...
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    Checkin my options for liquid nute options at reasonable $ (Eye on GoBox)

    Right on. Yea I really like the results vegging with Fish emulsion. Could use some liquid bloom for flower tho and this stuff is cheap
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    Checkin my options for liquid nute options at reasonable $ (Eye on GoBox)

    I should rephraise this. Not mixing together. Using fish for veg, and the bloom for well flowering. Not mixing them together in one gallon
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    Checkin my options for liquid nute options at reasonable $ (Eye on GoBox)

    Hmmm good find, and thanx for showing me this. I wonder if I pair it with Fish Emulsion for veg (5-1-1) and use this liquid bloom if it will work really well being (3-12-6)
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    Checkin my options for liquid nute options at reasonable $ (Eye on GoBox)

    2 weeks or so out from my super lemon haze being ready for harvest This plant looks to have made quite a few decent sized buds, can't wait to harvest, it smells great! Going to be putting up 4-5 more clones, wanted to start these ones off on liquid nutrients instead of dry nutes as I've been...
  16. U

    To harvest my c99 or not to harvest, the great and wonderful question.

    Very great article. Well I have a few amber hairs on my buds, as you can see in the pictures. Now I SPOSE I can wait another week, but I'd love to make room for my other flowering plants as well. Will the trichs continue to mature a little bit after chopping or does it stop? I plan to hang...
  17. U

    To harvest my c99 or not to harvest, the great and wonderful question.

    I have a few other c99's in flower too, about ~7 weeks behind. So it's not like I can rly fail lol. I'm trying to get a picture with my phone to the scope to should you, maybe I can cut a small sugar leave off and place that on a flat surface to get a picture. Any suggestions gettin a pic of...
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    To harvest my c99 or not to harvest, the great and wonderful question.

    They arent really big on the bottom, the only reason I made this thread as well is because I was reading that c99 is one of the fastest plants, from beginning 12/12 to harvest, and I've come to understand that it's even more so than other strains. Average posts never go more than 55 days...
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    To harvest my c99 or not to harvest, the great and wonderful question.

    Thats exactly the pic I went by. On my lower stems (the ones that get the least light) I see more of a cloudy to clear ratio, but going higher up the trichs are cloudy, with few brown trichs. As for the pics, the pics should be up there.