Found 6 pack Olympia for $2. Began drinking.


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Staff member
I went to the Brewery in Tumwater when I was a kid
You know when I was a kid we had a Theme Park at the new Busch Brewery in Van Nuys, called Busch Gardens. Essentially it was this huge FREE beer garden. Not the best beer but when you're 10 or so you take it where you can get it.

Did you ever go there singlemalt?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
^^^^ went there too, had a overhead tram ride kind of a thing for the brewery tour. They had a bird show back in the day.

The one in NH just has a walking tour and a beer tasteing


Well-Known Member
You know when I was a kid we had a Theme Park at the new Busch Brewery in Van Nuys, called Busch Gardens. Essentially it was this huge FREE beer garden. Not the best beer but when you're 10 or so you take it where you can get it.

Did you ever go there singlemalt?
Yep it was around 10 mi from my house. Remember all the exotic birds? Squawking and stinking