Checkin my options for liquid nute options at reasonable $ (Eye on GoBox)

2 weeks or so out from my super lemon haze being ready for harvest 2014-01-13 13.35.21.jpg2014-01-13 13.35.05.jpg

This plant looks to have made quite a few decent sized buds, can't wait to harvest, it smells great!

Going to be putting up 4-5 more clones, wanted to start these ones off on liquid nutrients instead of dry nutes as I've been using for flower. I have my eye set on the gobox.

Found the feeding schedule for it too.

Anyone have experience with this box, and if so would it go a ways for $ - Plant ratio and last a while before having to buy more?
Hmmm good find, and thanx for showing me this. I wonder if I pair it with Fish Emulsion for veg (5-1-1) and use this liquid bloom if it will work really well being (3-12-6)


Well-Known Member
Its tough mixing synthetic nutes and organic nutes. Alot of times the salts in the synthetic stuff can kill alot of the beneficial bacteria in the soil or solution you are going to water with.

I love dyna and use just that with some late bloom additives.
I should rephraise this. Not mixing together. Using fish for veg, and the bloom for well flowering. Not mixing them together in one gallon


Well-Known Member
I should rephraise this. Not mixing together. Using fish for veg, and the bloom for well flowering. Not mixing them together in one gallon
if the fish keeps your plants healthy throughout veg hell yea. I use fox farms ocean forest which organically feeds the plants for the first week and change before i start using dyna gro. Mixing them wont be a problem, like you said though so long as its not in the same container of water.
Right on. Yea I really like the results vegging with Fish emulsion. Could use some liquid bloom for flower tho and this stuff is cheap

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Its tough mixing synthetic nutes and organic nutes. Alot of times the salts in the synthetic stuff can kill alot of the beneficial bacteria in the soil or solution you are going to water with.

I love dyna and use just that with some late bloom additives.
The word "kill" is over used and inaccurate when used that way to describe the use of synthetics in time with repeated use and with no "feeding" of the Bacteria they will die off. When you "feed" with a synthetic it will "slap" them kinda hard.....All one has to do is once a week water with a good AACT tea and your not only feeding the living, you add back many more! This will help "use" the amounts of nutrient left in the soil that the plant is not able to utilize due to the lack of the bacteria doing their job effectively. Some synthetics are better then others. They don't "salt" up your soil because they are derived from organic source's. Hesi and Canna come to mind for that point.

Dyna works good too!

To the O.P. Go to manufacturer's web sites and ask if they could give you any samples and describe what your going to do....Many will set you up or send you to a local retailer that will (they send them some and have them hold some for you).

Hesi does starter kits for hydro, soil and coco. I love their stuff.....But I'm doing some side by sides with dyna again (with adjustments in late flower too and using AACT teas in a regular rotation......It's very simple and way cheap to use.....always looking to reduce production costs and keep my quality the same).